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  1. T

    How do I block calls on a Panasonic 6.0 phone?

    I had read something about creating a block list but I do not know how to do that?
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    I quit smoking but fiance continued? How do I get him to quit or deal with...

    ...the stink and the reminder? I smoked heavily for decades and am convinced my health will suffer for it. On May 16 of this year I threw away my cigarettes and have not smoked in over 8 months now. Unfortunately, my fiance "somewhat" wanted to quit too as the cost of cigarettes was breaking us...
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    I am thinking of having a ONE DAY SALE EVENT?

    I was thinking of un-hiding my questions and even unblocking my haters for a one day event. When do you think I should do this and should I serve some sort of an appetizer or give out coupons for other unhidden days? How about raffle tickets for my haters to get a spear sharpening for my...
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    Let me better phrase my truck repair question?

    Oil coming out of dead center of where front passenger tire goes on (could see it when hubcap was taken hot it melted the hubcap and was smoking). Truck is a Ford F150 (1997). What is it and can my friend repair it himself?
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    Oily substance running out of center of where tire goes on truck?

    what could that be?
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    I guess I am getting married on the rim of the Grand Canyon?

    What time of year do you suggest or any other advice? no....i love the idea.......that is where i got engaged.......i just dont know how to get a marriage official there and all that
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    Give me great advice and good ideas for a south rim grand canyon wedding?

    I am 49 years old so take that into account and time of year etc
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    Give me a good keema curry recipe for someone who lives in the states?

    tell me what lamb to get too?
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    What is this octuplet mother thing that has been in the news?

    I keep hearing about this octuplet mother but never hear enough of it to know what the debate is? Thank you what is the debate? Is it that she can't afford them?
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    If I live in NJ and have a Bachelors in fine art...what do I need? teach art either in highschool or on a college level?
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    A participant was whining about Obama smoking in the Whitehouse?

    I don't see the concern since Bush has apparently been smokin' crack in there for 8 years. What's your take?
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    A Y!A participant is actually whining that Obamas dead grandmothers early vote is

    going to count? How desperate are the McCain supporters going to get???? (this is getting ridiculous)
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    Is it OK Palin took rape kits out of the budget but charged Alaska for her kids... and $700/night rooms? If you intend to answer, answer the specific question instead of getting defensive with some sort of Obama comment. I would like answers from only those people who care to answer the question asked. Please report that answer by Kevin C.
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    Do you fear the future actions of white supremicist groups?

    Until now they have had little to do except shoot raccoons, read comic books and have tobacco spitting contests. Now, this presidential race gives them all something to do and focus on while other whites are in school or working. Do you think there will be an attempt on Obamas life when he takes...
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    I would like answers from Christians who disagree with gay marraige and believe...

    ...marriage is man/woman? If one is born a hermaphrodite (having both male and female genitalia) your eyes are they allowed to marry and to which sex?
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    Do you love Bidens straight and to the point answers with no dodging?

    It is refreshing in my opinion.
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    Does this sound good for my sisters upscale poolside party?

    She is having a party for the opening of her gallery and I wanted to make apps that are not too expensive but pretty and tasty: TORTELLINI SKEWERS: 6 inch wood skewers with small seashells on the top ends (I made them) On it I am skewering vinaigrette marinated tortellini, roast YELLOW bell...
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    How do celebrities with millions live with themselves?

    ....Knowing people like 16 year olds on here are asking how to find a bed frame for their mattress, or a woman is asking how to get a ride to her third job? How do celebs or the ultra rich justify a gold plated faucet fixture or think they are cool on the red carpet in a dress costing thousands?
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    Celebs name their kids all kinds of nutty names. They also have gone off...

    ...the deep end themselves? Example: Prince who had at one time changed his name to a symbol and had to then call himself "The artist formerly known as Prince" because the symbol had no name.Question:Do you think Prince will have a kid he names "The kid who does not have a name?"
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    Why do celebrities name their kids such awful names?

    Coco Cox Arquette? Sounds like she is coughing up a furball. Gweneth Paltrows daughter Apple? What if she is ever divorced and her husband adopts the daughter? What if his name is John Sauce? What the hell kind of name is Pilot Inspektor? Brad and Angelinas daughter Shiloh? Do they feed her...