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  1. H

    ughh when ever i type it like goes to mid sentancee!?

    okay i dont know how to explain what happens- like ill be typing something and all of a sudden it will like jump to the begging of the sentance and after write something there it will go to the mid sentance - and it then it looks likke a whole bunch of just scrambled letters and its so...
  2. H

    i havent got my period yet - and no im not sexually active lol?

    what could be the reasonnn?? im 15 had my period since like7th grade and never missed one b4
  3. H

    have u ever been to the melting pot b4?

    do u like? and how expensive is it?
  4. H

    ggeez what wroung with my camra/computer?

    okay so i lost my connecter that connects my camra to computer to downlad pictures and all was lost untill my friend showed who to take that memoery card thing out of my camra and plug it into my sd/mmc/sm/ms/ms-pro drive and thats how ive been uploading my picutres for quite somtime now and...
  5. H

    How do you get passed the lock on the Verizon Voayger?

    I have the Verizon Voayger and I had lost it so I went and bought another one and just found the one that I had lost. I put a lock on it and completley forgot the numbers. Is there anyway to get passed that lock?
  6. H

    GOSSIP GIRLL? what was the last one aired? ?

    what was the episode called that air this week monday the 8th?? for some reason my recording thing didnt work and i missed it and im rlly pissed if u guys know where i could find it it would be even better btw has 90210 been airing or has my tv just not been recording that either?
  7. H

    AT&T vs. Verizon????

    I want the iPhone or Blackberry Storm. But it depends all on the service? Which is better? I think the iPhone is more convinient because it has all my music on it and if I get the Blackberry I was gonna get an iPod touch anyway. But I heard AT&T is sh!t I also heard that AT&T is more expensive...
  8. H

    When does the Pink iPhone come out?

    I am thinking of getting the iPhone but I would like the pink one. Also, when I do get it in a month or so which is the best model. I think I can live without the pink but that is preferable. So I guess I am asking: 1. When does the Pink iPhone come out 2. What is the best model of the iPhone...
  9. H

    Help! iPhone and Network planning help! Please!!!?

    Okay so I heard that you can buy any phone from any network for the full price and then take it to a network of your choice and they will upload your info to the phone no questions asked. I have the sidekick 3 now and I hate the network and though I have another year on the phone it is breaking...
  10. H

    My wrists are all jacked up?

    I don't know what to do, they look pretty bad. Covering them up with a long sleeve t-shirt would work but I'd be hot. There are cuts all down my arms and my mom worries about me too much as it is and I really don't her to see it. Plus, I need something to put on them to heal them and I am not...
  11. H

    Okay so I have a cut...?

    And at first I didn't really care. Every time someone sees me they are like oo what happened. Does that annoy anyone else? Okay so now it is starting to hurt a little, if I keep my mouth shut or open it just a little it doesn't. I did it with a pair of scissors and it is on the corner of my...