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  1. L

    why not bold or italics?

    I use the Rich Text, but from maybe 2 weeks ago, it stopped formatting bold and italics. I don't know WHY. What can I do?
  2. L

    Graeme Bell, injured football player head injury video?

    im looking for a video about a football player named Graeme Bell who got hit in the head by people with baseball bats and got a head injury and couldnt talk for like 3 month. If you find the video, PLEASE give me the link!
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    Does anyone else practice naming their pets with old fashioned human names?

    And what are they called? Do you use middle names too? The only difference i suppose that animals don't really care and children might yell at you 'why did you call me this!!!', 'everyone calls me mona the moaner/or Loony Luna' etc....
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    Can you put apps bought on an iPad, on to an iPod touch?

    I have bought apps on an iPad, so they are the iPad versions. I know you can iPod apps on an iPad, so can you put apps that were bought on an iPad on to an iPod? And I'm talking about the newest iPod touch and 3rd gen iPad.
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    Is this a correct greeting for Eid?

    Hello, Is this correct to say: ??? ???? ?? ??? ? ??? ????
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    What cellphone should i ask for?

    Christmas is coming, and i want a new cellphone, could you please name some nice ones?
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    How to unsync Google Calendar on Android?

    Hi, I accidentally synced my google calendar with my phone calendar, which has 'cleared' everything on my phone calender and replaced it with the google one (which ive never used and is empty apart from holidays such as christmas etc, which i cant edit or remove.) My old appointments must still...
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    my kitchen sink makes a whining noise?

    it only makes this noise when hot water is used. we took the sink apart and put it back together, same noise. Also checked the pipes, there all tight.
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    Christians: Should adult children of abusive/toxic parents "honor thy father and...

    Christians: Should adult children of abusive/toxic parents "honor thy father and... ...thy mother"? A lot of damage has been done in the name of obedience. If there was physical/sexual abuse in the home and the parent had their parental rights terminated, should I still have to respect them and...
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    Would a case for a Blackberry Bold 9700 fit a 9780?

    Ordering my 9780 tomorrow and I want to get a case for it. The two phones look similar online but I wanted to check before I ordered anything as there are a lot more cases available for the 9700.
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    Guitar Hero World Tour problems?

    I bought the game a few weeks ago and it worked perfectly, now I'm having trouble with the guitar controller: I can play around 2 songs without any problems, then on the next song it says I've made a mistake, even when I've not touched the strum bar, buttons or whammy bar. In fact I loaded a...
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    Gap week, unprotected sex, I'm worried, please help?

    So i took my last pill on wednesday, thus starting my ga week on Thursday, and this morning I had unprotected sex with spermicidal lube, and I got my period this afternoon, Is there still a possibility of pregnancy? I have been on the pill now for over a year, I'm taking yasminelle the...
  13. L

    Gap week, unprotected sex, I'm worried, please help?

    So i took my last pill on wednesday, thus starting my ga week on Thursday, and this morning I had unprotected sex with spermicidal lube, and I got my period this afternoon, Is there still a possibility of pregnancy? I have been on the pill now for over a year, I'm taking yasminelle the...
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    where is a campsite i could go to that accepts groups of young people (17-20) for

    the weekend of my birthday? everywhere i have looked have said you need to be a family or a couple or even 21! and i need to go camping for my birthday weekend for 2 nights, maybe to Brean or Ex mouth or whatever, can someone help me please
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    looking to open taco bell in malaysia?

    i want to know whom can i contact in regards to opening a taco bell here in malaysia. a person in charge of francaising overseas. an direct email wud be splendid
  16. L

    looking to open taco bell in malaysia?

    i want to know whom can i contact in regards to opening a taco bell here in malaysia. a person in charge of francaising overseas. an direct email wud be splendid
  17. L

    How do i change the screen size on my Acer note book?

    My son has pressed something that has blown everything up so its all too big for the screen. I've only just baught this small note book lap top and not sure how to make everything normal sixze again. Its really frustrating because i cant see the whole page as its too big for the note book...
  18. L

    Are students still buying original essays online?

    I know that kids buy essays that were already written and sold a dozen times. What about assigned essays too random to buy? Can students hire someone to do the research and write the essays? How much do they pay for that?
  19. L

    What could the lines from "Lets be honest" the poem mean?

    From the poem "Lets be Honest" by aboriginal poet Robert Walker... I've cursed my skin: not black not white. Just another non identity???? and Just another black family alone and lost in a race for a dime ???
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    What are your thoughts on these paradoxes?

    Paradox: It's commonly known as the Theseus' Ship Paradox Imagine the Theseus' ship (made of wood) was maintained over the years, plank by plank was replaced in the course until no original plank was left. Now, another ship was built from the the old planks. Which one is the original Theseus'...