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  1. K

    Baby you a song you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise :)?

    Sorry I'm just bored :p what's your favorite song at the moment?
  2. K

    How should we stop 2012 rumors being spread?

    I'm doing a speech on the end of the world in 2012 being spread through the media & how the media has instilled fear in the public. Do you have any solutions that could help remedy the problem?
  3. K

    ways to argue against home schooling on a computer?

    im in debate and i need to win this on give me ways that home schooling on a computer is not better
  4. K

    SPIDERS are infesting my TRUCK!?

    My truck has become infested with yellow sac spiders. I dont know what to do anymore! Today I saw the biggest one of all and it was right above my head. If i hadnt stopped to get the turtle out of the road i woulda seen it while I was driving and probably wrecked. I want to set off a bomb in my...
  5. K

    in pokemon pearl why isnt my internet working to trade wirelessly?

    when i play my pokemon game i really want to trade with people but my internet will not work even when im right in front of the internet. Please help!!!
  6. K

    LG enV2 .. help please.?

    it's working finee. it's barely a day old. d: i was just wondering. is there a USB cable i can buy for my LG enV2 so that i can upload songs or pics from my computer to my phone, or vise versa. the guy that helped me buy it gave me a memory stick and stuff , buht its only compatible with PC. and...
  7. K

    !]Which is a better phone, Samsung Beat or Samsung Blast? [read details]?

    I am 13 and I am getting a new phone. My choices are between the samsung beat or samsung blast. Both are nice and sleek but I want to know which is better... I love to text message and I love slide phones, but the blast is 50 more dollars! of my i could save my money to get a new...