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  1. T

    Can you transfer Sky Movies already downloaded to mac/pc onto the iPad?

    So once you have downloaded a movie from Sky Movies how do you get it onto the ipad, can you just drag it over in itunes? or do you need to convert it? or does it have something inbuilt that stops it working on an ipad? I want to fill up my ipad with movies for a holiday,what is the best way to...
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    Where can I find a FREE Iron Maiden "Wasted Years" Ringtone?

    Ive looked but you have to pay for all of them. Are there any free tones of this song? I love it and want it for my phone!
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    Help how does he feel about me?

    I have a co-worker that I have been attracted to since the moment I saw him. After working together several times, feelings grew. He knows that I have those feelings. He flirted and I flirted back. He pretty much said that if I was a little older and he was single that I would be in trouble. He...
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    Aching pelvic bones?

    The pelvic bones around my vaginal area have been aching recently. Especially when I sit down. Also it has been harder for me to urinate and when I do it has a strong odor. what could this be?
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    How do I know if my thermometer is reading correctly?

    I feel sick, and I feel like I have a fever, but my thermometer is saying its normal. Its an old one, and the battery is low, how do I know if its reading it correctly?
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    What is going on with my dog?

    She has an appointment with her vet tomorrow, but for the past few days shes been acting very strange. She has become terrified of eating her food. When she eats, she doesnt chew, but swallows it whole, she drinks water ok. But everytime she gets a mouthful of food, she seems spooked and runs...
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    Tooth Abscess and antibiotics?

    I have an abscess on my gums by a bad tooth. It didnt quite burst, but there is a tiny hole where the pus is secreting out-not in full amounts, but still slowly draining. I am taking antibiotics-my question is, if the infection continues to drain a little and gets into my system, will I be ok...