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    Do you use a car charger to charge a nintendo ds on a plane?

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    LG Rumor from Virgin Mobile?

    I just got an LG Rumor from Virgin Mobile (I'm in Canada) and I've come to realize that it's not possible to put your own ringtones onto the phone? I was wondering if it's possible at all to somehow get ringtones onto the phone. I've heard of unlocking it, but I don't know how that works...
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    My laptop's CD/DVD burner is acting strange... can anyone help?

    I have an HP laptop (It's new - I got it in December of last year), and it has a built in dvd/cd burner. I used it a few times to make CDs and it worked fine, but after trying to burn some videos to a DVD, it wouldn't work. Now whenever I put a CD or DVD in it and start to burn something, it...