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  1. K

    What's a good audio mixing/beat making computer program?

    I'm trying to make simple hip hop beats but I want the program to have the capabilities to make pro beats. So many of the programs available have a very steep learning curve and I'd like a program that is easy to pick up on a beginning level and can eventually be mastered. Thanks.
  2. K

    In calculating the GNP, will Obama classify the cruise missiles he fired into...

    ...Libya as "exports"? After all, exports are vital to our nation's vibrant economy and the economic numbers can use a little help.
  3. K

    Hey Jets fans! Now that one of your coaches was caught cheating, you

    finally going to stop whining about? Belicheck taping your practices a few years ago?
  4. K

    How would you design a car? Where did Detroit go wrong?

    There is much talk about the Detroit auto industry falling upon hard times and asking for a bail out similar to the controversial banking-industry bailout. Where do you think American auto manufacturers went wrong with their designs? If YOU were to design a car, what would you want...
  5. K

    Does your partner's television program selections make you want to scream?

    Partner...husband, wife, girlfriend, bf, roommate....whomever... When they have control of the remote do you sometimes want to scream about their selections? Why.... what sets you over the edge?
  6. K

    Do you own a 2009 Subaru Forrester?

    Thinking of buying one. I currently drive a 2006 Subaru Legacy sedan. My first Subie was a 2000 Subaru Outback wagon. How does the new Forrester compare in drive and comfort to these two cars? What mpg are you getting? Are the seats a different size than the Legacy? Etc.
  7. K

    Rescuing 5yr F maltese. Never housebroken. Can they be trained at 5 yrs old?

    Female Maltese rescued from breeding kennel. Sweet as can be.. just never ever housebroken. Can it be done and if so how???
  8. K

    What kind of car would fit my budget?

    I'm going into the national guard, and ill get a 20,000 bonus in one payment a month after basic. I'll have to get something used, i dont want to spend anymore than 12,000 on it. Its going to have to be dependable so i can drive 130 miles to drill once a month. I also want something nice, like a...