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  1. M

    Some t-mobile iphone 5 question?

    So if I were to buy 1 iphone 5 from Apple store or t-mobile store, the phone come with the sim. Do I have to call the t-mobile company to activate my number or something? And.. do I have to get a wireless 4G plan in order to use it? Can it connect to my home wireless router? I know it's stupid...
  2. M

    Do you think that by me being in the Army my long distance relationship will work

    out? So i have known this kid for about 5 years. and well i really like him! he is a junior in high school and i graduated a year early so i got to enlist in the army. i really don't want the fact that i am leaving to break the relationship up. because truthfully and honestly i am falling for him!
  3. M

    Why do Christians insult other religions, during their festivals?

    Why do Christians denigrate other religions, during their festivals Insulting Hindus Insulting Jews