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  1. M

    Iphone + Google Voice app & no service provider?

    I want to get an iphone, I do not want to pay for service+data plans. Though I want to know if I have the google voice app, can I use it as my service provider. If I have wifi enabled on my voice. or if there is any body else out there, that's in the same boat, and found a way to have wifi on...
  2. M

    Does anyone have any comments, good or bad, about the Hyundai Entourage?

    I am looking to get a vehicle and could get a Hyundai Entourage for a great price. It is a 2008 and brand new. Any comments about quality and reliablity would be appreciated!
  3. M

    how much airfare round trip to Ghana from Yuma arizona,?

    how much is the flight time , or say a major airport like Los Angeles airport to Ghana, what is cost round trip and flight time, one way . thank you for answers, any tips or and ideas about the country Ghana what it is like, places to go, places to stay away from/? how is Ghana as a...
  4. M

    2001 Buick century(wont go into to park or reverse.) what's wrong?

    wanting to know whats wrong with i can have it fixed
  5. M

    it is right and or fair for celebs to put their diets and stats in the

    faces of the public?> ? is it really nonsensical and really not neccessary for the public to be aware of the diets and weight loss or gain of the "stars" why do the "stars" need such stats revealed to the general public? is it really unneccessary, and is it in legal violation of some law...
  6. M

    is Yuma Arizona a sorry butt city,where the citiznes complain about how people...

    ...walk, "walking too sporty"? what kind of nonsense is such a complaint, they don,t like the way i walk, i guess my talking and breathing upsets them also, and my height, they seem a bit much,what do you think? Am i within reason to think there is something wrong with them, complaining...
  7. M

    anybody having murder problems?? feeling set up? or conspired against? ?

    please exclude paranoia, anyone having murder problems?? explain?? circumstances? who??
  8. M

    e buddy on the LG KS360?

    is it possible to have e buddy on the LG KS360 instead of that messenger because messenger seems quite expensive compared to ebuddy.
  9. M

    anybody having murder problems?? feeling set up? or conspired against? ?

    please exclude paranoia, anyone having murder problems?? explain?? circumstances? who??
  10. M

    honestly people, the incease in diabetes , who are the people who are causing it, ?

    who are the people causing the increase in diabetes? yes, it is a human factor, now who is it? who is it, people who use drugs? or is it the Mexicans, or the irish, or italians, who is guilty of causing the increase in the disease diabetes>
  11. M

    there is a ? on here "do people realize that Pres Bush does not know how to...

    ...use politics properly, who does ? does anyone know what politics is, please define it, what does politics really do, what is its very purpose why does it exist anyway, and who can say they have a clear and unfettered handle on Politics, can anyone use it properly, other than...
  12. M

    anybody having murder problems?? feeling set up? or conspired against? ?

    please exclude paranoia, anyone having murder problems?? explain?? circumstances? who??
  13. M

    those loud thundering bass sounding car stereos, do they hurt do they...

    ...cause you pain when they are playing? those loud car stereos do they cause you pain, is the sound of them not only irritating but painful as well, and does that sound hurt animals, dogs cats, etc,
  14. M

    What is the theme song of "Christy" a TV Series based on a book by Catherine

    What is the theme song of "Christy" a TV Series based on a book by Catherine Marshall? Show aired mid 90's.? I'm looking for a place to purchase the theme song or download a midi version of it.
  15. M

    60 years old, single, what to do on the coming holidays?

    are women interested? i don,t want to spend the holidays alone, but i don,t mind if i do. but it would be nice to have company, female company, i am not a spendthrift, but i am not a high roller, i don,t go for the dinner scene or movie scene, so anyway, what is there to do over the...
  16. M

    having a problem meeting women, is it me, or is it a contrived plot to isolate...,to depress me, to make money? yuma az, white, old no teeth fat. who would want to meet me, much less talk or socialize with me?? or is it some contrived plot to destroy and depress me and isolate me? to make money?
  17. M

    please only professional advice ?

    before i seek professional advice, i would like some here on Yahoo Answers, i have had these symptoms for several months, what could they be related to. loose watery foul smelling stringy stools, with frequency, sometimes four or five a day, i want to the lab, everything was okay...
  18. M

    how long does it take for a muscle relaxer to wear off?

    took 2 muscle relaxers over the course of 2 days....last one I took was 48 hours ago...and I still feel a little out of it....feel a little weak and sort of in a daze...needless to say, I'm not taking this typical...
  19. M

    i need a girlfriend, ages 18 to 60, she must be single, any race preferable non...

    ...religions but be respectful? i saw a question on here of someone asking for a boyfriend, so is it alright to ask for a girlfriend, i am a single male, 60 white living in yuma az with enough income for two to live very cheaply,