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    For Chrysler guys, I am buying a 99 Plymouth Voyager, it has manual windows,...

    ...why I don't know,? did Chrysler wire the doors for power windows and just install the motors and switches if the buyer wanted power windows or did they do a different harness that didn't include the wiring for the power windows. Thanks.
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    What should be my flash document size, when it's for a movie title?

    Details such as aspect ratio, would be of much help. Thank you!
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    Was Abraham Lincoln racist in his early life?

    If yes, examples. And what made him change his mind about racism? I heard that he was racist but that he had kids with slave and that changed his mind. But I heard that I didnt find it online or in a book.
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    Was Abraham Lincoln racist in his early life?

    If yes, examples. And what made him change his mind about racism? I heard that he was racist but that he had kids with slave and that changed his mind. But I heard that I didnt find it online or in a book.
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    Was Abraham Lincoln racist in his early life?

    If yes, examples. And what made him change his mind about racism? I heard that he was racist but that he had kids with slave and that changed his mind. But I heard that I didnt find it online or in a book.
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    Was Abraham Lincoln racist in his early life?

    If yes, examples. And what made him change his mind about racism? I heard that he was racist but that he had kids with slave and that changed his mind. But I heard that I didnt find it online or in a book.
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    how to get ringtones sent to your phone ?

    I have the tmobile gravity touch phone.. and i usually go to myxer to get ringtones but you have to have internet for that to work and i dnt have it so i have to send it to my moms phone (which has it) and then bluetooth it to mine which is too much so is there any website where u can send...
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    Samsung Genoa, Internet problems?

    I am NOT technically minded! Every time I try to connect to the internet/google etc it just says network error? It's driving me nuts because I am paying for it! HELP!
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    What is a better bike rack?

    Out of these 2? I have the BELL triple back (waiting to see if I should return it) but I'm scared it might be cheap and maybe the cycle one is better for me..I'll be using on the freeways n such so I need something sturdy and that I can trust...I need opinions from people that know! Thanks alot...
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    What is a better bike rack?

    Out of these 2? I have the BELL triple back (waiting to see if I should return it) but I'm scared it might be cheap and maybe the cycle one is better for me..I'll be using on the freeways n such so I need something sturdy and that I can trust...I need opinions from people that know! Thanks alot...
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    What is a better bike rack?

    Out of these 2? I have the BELL triple back (waiting to see if I should return it) but I'm scared it might be cheap and maybe the cycle one is better for me..I'll be using on the freeways n such so I need something sturdy and that I can trust...I need opinions from people that know! Thanks alot...
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    P90x Nutrition Guide?? Anyone have it?

    I started the p90x workouts(lean version) and i didnt get the nutrtion guide with mine does anyone have and could give it to me or know where i could get (for free) like to download??
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    Am I making a wrong move?

    I have been seeing a woman for over two years now. We have been intimate and when I am with her we laugh constantly. I had no desire to do this at first but found what I thought was soulmate. She is unfortunatly married and I am not. Today she wrote to me how her "husband" is buying her a new...
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    quote for school newspaper?

    i'm looking for a good quote or saying to start off an article i'm writing for the school newsletter. its the first anniversary and i'm lloking for something appropriate. my brain is dying can someone think of something that's catchy and appropriate? u'll forever be blessed if u answer this...
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    Where to buy Juicy Blunts in Montreal?

    Just wondering where I can get those flavored blunt wraps in Montreal. Thanks!
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    why is losing weight fast bad for you wouldn't being overweight be worse?

    Plus i thought when you are really big that you lose weight quickly at first then it slows down. for example i am 5'4" and i was 217 now i am 191 in 38 days i thought that would be good for me not bad for me?
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    my cat has stones in her bladder?

    my cat has been trying to urinate a lot so we brought her to the vet and they took an x ray. she has stones in her bladder and now they have her on a new diet. however if that doesnt work then she needs surgery for 2000 dollars. thats a little pricey. does anyone know if there is medication or...
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    My screen keeps flickering and it's driving me crazy!?

    My computer screen keeps flickering and disjointing itself. At first, it was minor flickers but now it shades the whole screen for as long as 3 seconds ( I know it sounds really fast but try counting 3 mississippi's when your trying to open something and it keeps pausing what your doing ) Can I...
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    My computer screen keeps flickering, help please!?

    My computer screen keeps flickering and disjointing itself. At first, it was minor flickers but now it shades the whole screen for as long as 3 seconds ( I know it sounds really fast but try counting 3 mississippi's when your trying to open something and it keeps pausing what your doing ) Can I...
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    when u start losing weight it comes off fast at first than slower how much do u...

    ...lose at first on average? I've been on a diet for 33 days i have lost 23 pounds, i was wondering how much longer i was going to be able to expect bigger amounts of weight loss. Do most people just lose the first twenty fast then the other pounds at a steady pace or do alot of people lose the...