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  1. K

    How come rapid fire striking in American Kempo doesn't work in sparring?

    thats because people dont know how to strike, kick or kiai for that matter. when you strike properly you only need a few inches to gain enough power, that coupled with the fact that there suppose to coincide with kyoshu points, to add to there effectiveness, and again they dont teach how to...
  2. K

    What does the Church teach today about Politics/and the corruption around it?

    actually this is my homework about "church social teaching" but i kind of interested anyway. what do you think? do you think the church doesn't have much influence in it, as if politicians still care of their presence? War/Povery/Corruption/Abuse of Power are still prominent IMO the church is...
  3. K

    Easy 10points!!! How to know if the PSP game is full, and the term ripped?

    ok i just wanna find out if the files are full especially some don't label them properly. 1. i found 1 380MbCSO file but the game is about 900Mb on Iso. is it possible that the other 520 are hidden inside or not. 2. Also the term ripped, does this necessarily mean that some parts were omitted...