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  1. tttt

    how much should i list my suzuki 4 wheel drive motorcycle for?

    it has 2,500 miles on it. practically new! both wheels are brand new and the 4 wheel drive works great! not a scam!
  2. tttt

    Could you agree that? Christians only. (Logical Answers Only.)?

    If a text must be interpreted in different ways: -literally -metaphorically -allegorically -contextually One could probably spin the text to believe in anything they want. Now if it can be spun to mean anything the interpreter wants, for what they want to get across at a particular time. Does...
  3. tttt

    What do you think of this idea for a book?

    Tell me what you think ... thanks. : ] In the distant future, Mars has been colonized, but relations between the colonies and Earth have been deteriorating for decades. Pavonis City, a British domed city on Mars, joins thirty other colony cities from various nations in forming a new independent...
  4. tttt

    Have you noticed this about before and after pictures?

    the before picture is always a really badly taken photo.. the person has no make up on, is dressed in a very flattering clothing, and always has a depressed facial expression in the after shot its a professionally taken shot, the person is wearing trendy clothing, has very white teeth...
  5. tttt

    Internet Explorer 8..............................?

    I havent yet downloaded Internet Explorer 8 as last time when I downloaded 7 version I had a lot of problems. Anyone downloaded it yet? How did it go?
  6. tttt

    Could someone help me make sense of this?

    Ok I'll tell you a little about me and tell me if it all relates. I'm a 17 year old girl I got raped by 3 men when I was 7 [I don't know if this is rape but they used their fingers not their penises so I don't know if you would call it rape...] but I never told anyone because I felt like it...
  7. tttt

    Verizon or T-Mobile for a Blackberry?

    I really want a blackberry and I am currently on my business plan at verizon with a normal phone. I could get the old curve on my business plan for more money (but i'm not directly paying for it) or the new curve which I want so much more on t-mobile for cheaper, but out of my own pocket money...
  8. tttt

    Where can you watch this weeks episode of gossip girl?

    i think it was episode 15? .this monday the 5th
  9. tttt

    in gossip girl do you think chuck and blair will et back together?

    and what is also going on with blair and chuck's uncle?
  10. tttt

    Am I getting my growth spurt?

    I just turned 16 a week ago and i'm 5.2. I think it been like this for almost a year and I feel short and not getting any taller. I feel really hungry more than usual, for instance, everytime I eat, I want to eat more but I dont feel like it at the same time. I feel really tired and so...
  11. tttt

    Mobile Wallpapers & Themes?

    When I download mobile wallpapers to my pc. How do I get them then onto my mobile? I have Sony Ericcson K800i. Have no idea so would appreciate any help. Much Obliged
  12. tttt

    Mobile Wallpapers and Themes?

    Anyone know of any website where I can get free wallpapers to download onto my mobile phone? Also if there are sites can you tell me how I download them to my phone after I download them to the pc? Much Obliged. How do you put them onto your phone?
  13. tttt

    Mobile Wallpapers & Themes?

    When I download mobile wallpapers to my pc. How do I get them then onto my mobile? I have Sony Ericcson K800i. Have no idea so would appreciate any help. Much Obliged
  14. tttt

    Mobile Wallpapers and Themes?

    Anyone know of any website where I can get free wallpapers to download onto my mobile phone? Also if there are sites can you tell me how I download them to my phone after I download them to the pc? Much Obliged.
  15. tttt

    One More Movie Query?

    Another preview I've seen recently was about female assasins during the war and they were hunting out and killing the nazis. Anyone know what this movie was called? Much Obliged.
  16. tttt

    Another Movie Query?

    I saw a preview for a film with Bette Midler in it and Candice Bergan, there were also a whole load of new and older starts (women). Ok it was a chick flick. Anyone have any idea what this one is called. I want to go and see it. Much Obliged Ah yes. Thanks for that
  17. tttt

    Best Mic Query?

    What is the best mic I can buy for my laptop. Any suggestions? Prefer a plug in ear rather than a headset. Much obliged.
  18. tttt

    Best Mic Query?

    What is the best mic I can buy for my lapton. Any suggestions? Prefer a plug in ear rather than a headset. Much obliged. Excuse spelling, of course I meant laptop!! Excuse spelling, of course I meant laptop!!
  19. tttt

    Ipod Query?

    How can i delete songs from my Ipod. I have so many on it that I no longer want them. I know there is a box to tick if you want a song downloaded or not but how about ones that are already on your Ipod and you want to delete them. Much obliged.
  20. tttt

    Hey come on please answer my query I need help!?

    How can i delete songs from my Ipod. I have so many on it that I no longer want them. I know there is a box to tick if you want a song downloaded or not but how about ones that are already on your Ipod and you want to delete them. Much obliged.