Search results

  1. F

    how often can you go on trips as a Professional Group travel Organizer?

    Okay, so it's a really fun job and you basically plan trips for groups of people and go with them. Really simple, so I like it. but I'm wondering, how often can you go? I've been considering going weekly, you know? like getting a trip ready, going, and planning the next few while on the trip? I...
  2. F

    Where to buy clip-on earrings?

    In the UK under the £10 mark, simply because I can't be bothered to get them done.
  3. F

    Which is better, a Subaru wrx or a Mitsubishi Evo?

    @James Dean, yes sorry, I was talking about the news ones. I would never buy a second hand STI (or wrx or evo for that matter), it would have been thrashed.
  4. F

    Can you use a blackberry with a prepaid sim in australia?

    my friend said some stuff doesnt work. is that true?
  5. F

    How to chat on runescape using your mobile phone?

    How can you even check who's online on runescape using your mobile phone?
  6. F

    Why is my bedroom phone crackly?

    Everytime I try to make a call it's all crackly and I dial the phone number but nothing happens...there's just a crackly sound. Every other phone in the house is fine..
  7. F

    Why is my bedroom phone crackly?

    Everytime I try to make a call it's all crackly and I dial the phone number but nothing happens...there's just a crackly sound. Every other phone in the house is fine..
  8. F

    links to real celebrities/famous people on facebook? 10 POINTS!!?

    does anyone have any links if you dont want to share it you can email it to me 10 POINTS for best answer..someone help me i dont want to talk to a poser..i want the real person!
  9. F

    links to real celebrities/famous people on facebook? 10 POINTS!!?

    does anyone have any links if you dont want to share it you can email it to me 10 POINTS for best answer..someone help me i dont want to talk to a poser..i want the real person!
  10. F

    For those who are going to Muse Australian Tour 2010?

    Whats the difference between section SGA & section GA? - Perth. I have a friend who is sitting in SGA & I was wondering whether we'd still be able to stand together? BQ: How excited are you? :D :D BQ2: What's your favourite Muse song? BQ3: What's a Muse song you wish they wouldn't play?
  11. F

    PS3 or da Xbox? Which is da bestests?

    Why do people still ask this question? Lol and... a Lot. Surely they can just search previously asked questions on the subject matter, hell... it's not as if they won't find anything. And both consoles have been out for enough time these days to be able to make a judgement by simply looking...
  12. F

    Pokemon yellow/blue/red - What console?

    I bought yellow and blue of the original pokemon games and I'm pretty sure they're for the gameboy colour, but from experience I know that trying to play one isn't easy... So is there anything else I can play it on? Perhaps something that has a display easier to see? I tried using my DS...
  13. F

    License for a bike - Cost?

    Howmuch is it to go from having your provisional, to owning a license for a bike? As in everything, lessons, tests etc... And where exactly would you go to get lessons? Also: For a 20 year old, howmuch would I be looking at in insurance costs for a bike? I know there's a loooot of variables =p...
  14. F

    Great Xbox 360 games?

    I'm getting sick of my current games, and don't know which to buy. My current games: GTA 4 Bioshock Orange box Assassins creed Viva pinata Dead space Fallout 3 COD 4 Fable 2 Please don't suggest Left 4 dead, thanks.
  15. F

    Does anyone know any good jokes, like haha funny?

    give me some good jokes that will make me roll on the floor laughing.
  16. F

    What are some good pick up lines?

    pick up lines for girls or just random funny pick up lines either will
  17. F

    Are HD dvd player cheaper than Blu-ray Players?

    HD dvd lost, so they will get cheaper? But will there be HD dvd movies in stores in future?
  18. F

    What are the possible complications of properly controlled diabetes?

    How long would it take for these complications to take place?
  19. F

    bluetooth dongle on computer?

    ok, so i have a bluetooth dongle which will send pictures to my phone but thats it. the main probllem is that my phone finds the computer on bluetooth but it doesnt find the service list so i cant send stuff to the computer. can you help me? thanks xxx oh yeah, for got to say, that even...
  20. F

    Can you really get warts when you pick up a toad?

    My friend picked up a toad yesterday, and I want to know if you can get warts when you touch them?