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  1. G

    what kind of angel is this?

    ok i have 2 questions number one what kind of angel is gabriel from constantine the move with keanu reeves and number two is it wierd that i find it cool to be an angel i have always wanted to be one lol
  2. G

    Was the inflatable penis incident blown out of all proportion?
  3. G

    Do you have a cat - if so what are his/her sleeping and leisure/hunting hours ?

    I have 2 cats, Prince and Bella. Both love to go out around 2am then obviously I have to get up at 4am to let them in as I think 2 hours is long enough to leave them outside. Then out again at 7am for half hour before I go to work. They usually go round the neighbours across the road never far...
  4. G

    Do I need to buy a new cd / dvd drive for my pc?

    if it is not functioning or can I simply open the pc and see if it has become disconnected in anyway? I live in the UK so are they cheap to buy and can I replace it myself?
  5. G

    Now that the Bank of England has removed all incentives for savers?

    Would savers be better off withdrawing their funds and storing cash at home.Is there a risk that they could lose their nest-eggs if the banking system collapses further?
  6. G

    I read about Jade Goody in the newspaper today?

    I read about Jade in the newspaper today dying with cancer and the nasty things they are saying about her on facebook that she deserves to die. Do you think she deserves all this nastiness for bullying?
  7. G

    BMW 330i 06, Benz 280 06, do u know what brand of motor oil dealer use? can I

    buy outside? can you recommend synthetic motor oil for this 2 cars? If you know what brand dealer use, can you tell me where I can get them in the best price? Thanks
  8. G

    Did Americans really move away from fascism when they elected Obama?

    His silence over recent events in the middle east is deafening. I am aware that he is president elect but does that exclude him from voicing an honest opinion
  9. G

    how can some1 travel from croydon to swindon?

    hello again,thanks to all of you who answer my question,but pls stop answer just for the sake of answering there is no way he can go by bus or train from croydon to swindon so pls answer only if you think you can really help .
  10. G

    well at least it's not all bad news.?
  11. G

    Hard But Easy Riddle?

    Two Police Men were on a side of a high way and there were no cars coming from either direction so one cop says "you look east and i will look west until we see a car and whoever sees a car first wins" so they do and Cop asks the other, "why are you smiling?" How did he Know the other cop was...
  12. G

    How I Met your Mother?

    there have been a lot of theories passed around about the show after Series 3. But here are my own. Im sure im not the only one who still see's the Ted/Robin link? Wen they are drinking, its always Marshal/Lily, Ted/Robin, and Barney on his own Throughout Series 1, Robin kept fighting her...
  13. G

    The WWE draft. who would you like to....?

    Who would you like to go to SmackDown? Who would you like to go to Raw? Who would you like to go to ECW?