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    What happens to your rank?

    If you are and officer what happens to your rank when you're eligible?
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    new modem, wifi will not connect to ipad?

    instead of renting a modem i bought a motorola SB5101U, problem is it wont hook up to my Ipad but it does work with my macbook. Any Ideas?
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    Converting videos for iPhone 3g?

    I'm using "vidora" on my windows xp pro computer, it's really REALLY slow at converting videos into iPhone 3g format. Anybody know of any faster FREE converters? I'm in need of help bad! Thank you for taking the time to answer my question :)
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    How do I Download yahoo IM onto my Sprint Rumor touch?

    Please be specific. Thanks
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    Can i activate a phone that i found?

    I found a phone in the street and it is sweet, so i want to activate it. Its been deactivated for the original owner, so can i activate it for myself?
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    Can i activate a phone that i found?

    I found a phone in the street and it is sweet, so i want to activate it. Its been deactivated for the original owner, so can i activate it for myself?
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    Man, This Whole Internet Out Here, Why Can't I Watch A Simple Episode Of Life On

    MARS? I'm trying to find an online version of Life on Mars, the US version, with episode 2... but i can't find it anywhere... I can't believe that there's this whole internet out there but not a single video on it with Life on Mars episode 2... I've tried and...
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    What's the difference between DVD doctor, Skip Doctor and Game Doctor?

    like, they all work the same way, so you can use each of them on games, DVDs and CDs... so why do they have 3 different products for 3 different prices when it's the same product with different color wheels??? or am i missing something?
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    Was David Tennant almost a "nobody" before Doctor Who?

    Not saying that absolutely nobody had heard of him before he became the Tenth Doctor, but now that he's announced that he's leaving I've been thinking about how to prepare myself for a new Doctor. This is my first new doctor, though I've seen every episode from "The Keeper of Traken" (second to...
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    Internet doesn't work between user accounts?

    I have a computer, one user account's internet works, while the other one doesn't. The one that doesn't won't work. But, if I use a different network it does work. It says there is a invalid ip adress in the setup or something. to fix it says you need to put in encryption key? what do i do?
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    If they were ever in the near or distant future to bring back the Joker,

    who would they cast? For example, if 4 or 5 movies down the road they decide to have Joker break out of Arkham and terrorize Gotham again, who do you think they might cast and/or who would YOU cast if you had the choice? It seems like so much to top the Joker's performance in The Dark Knight...
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    How do I save or backup my text messages from my Blackberry Pearl?

    I have a blackberry pearl 8100 I have had for nearly a year. Att is replacing it for free, I have never deleted a single text message. I'm wondering if there is a way that I can back up all of the old text messages from my phone to put on my computer or another phone or something. There's alot...
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    LG vu pricing questions.?

    What I want to know is how much is it to add the internet to my vu. Like the extra a month, for my blackberry it's 30 dollars without messaging. 50 dollars with. I want to know what it would be with the vu.
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    Why do they always leave out deleted scenes?

    I can understand on tv shows they need to limit their time, and I can sort of understand deleting scenes for the theatrical version of films but why don't they put the deleted scenes back in for the DVD releases? Like they did with Lord of the Rings extended versions...? It makes no sense why...
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    Anyone else have this problem with their 2000 Pontiac Grand Am?

    I have a 2000 Grand Am that most of the time will not start due to the security light blinking after trying to start it. I then have to wait 10 mins to start it. It is becoming so frustrating and I can't really get any answers as to how to fix it. Anyone else with this issue that has found a...
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    I'm an att customer and would like to use an unlocked iphone BUT?

    So here's the situation. I have an unlocked iphone, the original one. I'm curious if I can just pop the sim card from my blackberry into it and use it without being charged ridiculous fees. Seeing as I'm a college student, and am always around wifi, i'm not worried about edge working, I have no...
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    NBA trade rumors: Ford for O'Neal or Ford for Diaw?

    Which trade rumor would most likely happen? According to ESPN, the Raptors have been talking to the Pacers and the Suns. There is talk of Ford going to the Suns along with their 1st round pick for Boris Diaw. I also heard yesterday the Raptors were discussing a deal with the Pacers, the idea of...
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    final episode(of the latest series) of lost?

    was that locke in the coffin?