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  1. S

    i just brought motorola v3 razer off ebay?

    i just brought the motorola v3 razer of ebay it was meant to brand new but it isn't. there photos already in the phone. well anyways every time i want to go into phone-book, call log, msgs it asks me for a pin. ive tryed everything and nothing is working. i tryed to Contact the seller and they...
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    question about the art of travel?

    very good movie but i have a simple question how is it that he was supposed to afford everything that he did? i am 19 and am thinking about doing something similar to this but i really would not want to work everywhere i go for a long time and then move on some where else. i am looking to be out...
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    What do you do with sour crout?

    Could you please advise me on what to do with sour crout, do you need to cook it, or preapre it. Any recipies or ideas would be very appreciated. Thanks.
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    Hey, christians, why do you think that your religion is right?

    When it comes down to it, all religions are purely based on faith in something you have absolutely no proof on, so why do you automatically assume that your god is more right than someone else's god? Also, don't try turning the question on me, my beliefs have plenty of proof; I'm an agnostic...
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    Internet explorer 8 problems help!?

    For about 3 weeks now? My internet explorer 8 has been so laggy! The pop ups are insane! so i put on "block everything". yea it blocks everything and give me lag blocking each 1. then i get these penis advertisements not only on ie but google crome(which im using right now) and i get some error...
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    What is it with the 'celebrity' culture?

    Why do people, including members of my own family!, pay soooo much attention to so called celebrities. No wonder we have a credit crisis in this country - everyone wants the jet set lifestyle & uses credit to obtain it. I blame the trashy 'celeb' (and that's an overused word in my opinion)...
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    Can I put my AT&T razr v3 sim card into a Samsung a767 propel?

    Im currently in a contract with AT&T and am thinking about purchasing a samsung propel. I was wondering if it even uses a sim card and if it does could i take the sim card out of my razr and put it in the propel without restarting my contract. Thanks
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    Is the Logitech V470 Bluetooth mouse good?

    I like how it's compatible with windows and mac. Is it good for gaming? Not hardcore gaming just every now and then, like first person shooters and real time strategies.
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    Are Bluetooth mice better than USB receiver mice?

    In terms of accuracy, most importantly. I like Bluetooth mice as I don't have to use a USB port. Are Bluetooth mice really worth the extra cost. What's your take on the wireless laser mouse 8000 and the 5000 from microsoft? Are thwy compatible with Macs?
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    is there a trick to kiss a girl?

    what is the right wat to do it
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    Will bluetooth mice ever outdate?

    Hi. I'm thinking of buying a microsoft bluetooth mouse 5000 and using it with my laptop (sony vaio) that has bluetooth. However i'm planning on getting a macbook pro next year. will the bluetooth mouse or just bluetooth mice in general ever be replaced by another form of wireless connection? And...
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    Is DDR3 RAM really worth the extra price?

    Hi. Is buying DDR3 RAM really worth spending the extra over DDR2 RAM, for notebooks that is? Is Apple Macbook Pros too high a price because of the DDR3 RAM? What's the difference between the two RAM types anyway? I know that DDR3 has a lower power consumption but that's about it...
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    Ruger 10/22 or Henry AR-7 (Survival Rifle)?

    I'm trying to decide on a first gun, and I know everyone will immediately say that I should get the 10/22, but that's the problem I see, I want my first gun to a tad unusual, which is why I like the AR-7. By unusual I don't mean customizing and bolting sh*t to the gun. The gun has to be unique...
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    Are Liberals going to stop using the term "global warming" and start using "climate

    Are Liberals going to stop using the term "global warming" and start using "climate change"? Due the messed up winter we are having? I guess they are running out of excuses. Blue - use the spell checker.
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    which bike shall i buy?

    they are both yamaha r1 2001. but 1 has 142 co2 emissions and the other has 240 co2 emissions.which one is (healthier) thanks
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    please help about buying this bike?

    hi, i have seen an yamaha r1 2001 model. i have noticed that at the back it does not have any bobbins (which go on the paddock stand) just 2 bolts.could this have been dropped thats why he does not have them on? and also it has 14,000 miles and the last service in the service book was at 3000...
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    i want to buy a hdtv 40inc and ship it to india, what are the terms?

    i want to know do i have to pay duty and will it be a free shipping
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    how do i tell my family that im bisexual?

    well how do i tell them there Christan so it going be hard. my mum is so Christan that she thinks gays have demo's in them or the devil. i ve try to come out to her saying to break the ice and say my friends lesbian or bi then she gives me a big bible Speak thing. well i don't mind that she...
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    Can you change a Att&t sim card into a unlocked?

    Blackberry T-mobile phone? Are they compatable?
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    should i buy this bike or not?

    honda cbr 600 rr3, 9500 miles full service history. The only problem being is that i think it must have been dropped while on stand,but u guys can clarify this, on the right side the right mirror is slightly scratched and front brake lever has a 1mm mark,also at the bottom near the casing is 2mm...