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    i can not down load internet ex it says i have part on there how do i delete it...

    ...od so i can download it prop? can not get into any sites useing this and it says i have part of it on my pc how come not full version. how do i get rid of this so i can down load it again.
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    need to pick up on my e mail post in united kingdom?

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    why is my catg walking in circles?

    My cat has been poorly and is now on medication for epilepsy but in spite of taking the medication,( the fits having stopped) she still has a tendancy to walk in circles bump into things and seems confused. She is about 14. I am wondering if it is the medication or senility.
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    2007 Toyota Corolla running rough?

    I have a 2007 Toyota Corolla Sport that usually runs really smooth. About a month back something came loose which made the speedometer stop working. I took it in and it was an easy fix. Since then I've noticed it feels a bit rough. It's really hard to explain--almost like when I'm idling and...
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    swollen gums and root canal?

    I had a filling put in a tooth. It was causing me discomfort and I have to get it adjusted 3 times because it was too high. This last time I got it adjusted, on a monday, that friday is suddenly started to hurt. At first only if anything touched it. Then over the three day weekend (yes tooth...