Search results

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    Introducing my cat to a new kitten?

    I recently got a new kitten and my cat that I have is not very thrilled. She doesn't attack or go at her, but she hisses and growls. The kitten sometimes hisses back. They will both be living in my room, which is where my cat has always lived. She has always been an only cat, so this is...
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    Alternatives for vanilla yogurt in muffin recipe?

    I have some sour cream, and i was thinking maybe putting some sour cream and vanilla extract... would that work? i do not have plain yogurt either also if i can add sour cream and vanilla extract, how much do you think is a good amount? 9 minutes ago it is a blueberry and lemon muffin recipe...
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    Screen replacement for lg optimus p925 3d?

    i cant find where i can get a replacement screen
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    Dodge Charger or Chrysler 300?

    so im looking for my first car and have narrowed it down to one of these. both have the 3.5 v6 so mpgs. will be close. I'm leaning toward the 300 because it is lighter and nicer IMO, but I would like more opinions. thanks!
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    where can i go to for vacation?

    im14. so, me and my dad are going of vacation just the two of us. my brother (age:19) doesn't want to go, so my mom has to stay home with him. ( he's not trustworthy - he cant clean, cook, and he doesnt have any common sense) and besides, my moms going on vacation with her sisters and her mom to...
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    What to do with a Lincoln town car?

    My dad has a licoln town car that he is giving me, i defiantly want to get a paintjob on it, but I'm not sure what to do. I was thinking murder it out (flat black paint and black rims) or storm trooper it out (white paint and black rims) but I dont know how either one would look on this. Any ideas?
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    What to do with a Lincoln town car?

    My dad has a licoln town car that he is giving me, i defiantly want to get a paintjob on it, but I'm not sure what to do. I was thinking murder it out (flat black paint and black rims) or storm trooper it out (white paint and black rims) but I dont know how either one would look on this. Any ideas?
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    What to do with a Lincoln town car?

    My dad has a licoln town car that he is giving me, i defiantly want to get a paintjob on it, but I'm not sure what to do. I was thinking murder it out (flat black paint and black rims) or storm trooper it out (white paint and black rims) but I dont know how either one would look on this. Any ideas?
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    What to do with a Lincoln town car?

    My dad has a licoln town car that he is giving me, i defiantly want to get a paintjob on it, but I'm not sure what to do. I was thinking murder it out (flat black paint and black rims) or storm trooper it out (white paint and black rims) but I dont know how either one would look on this. Any ideas?
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    Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia! 10 points to best answer!?

    Here, I'm bored so I decided to make a little trivia quiz based on the Fullmetal Alchemist series. I'll give 10 points to the answer with the most correct answers. Even if you don't know much about Fullmetal Alchemist I'd like to see what you come up with, Just guess if you have to! All...
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    Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia! 10 points to best answer!?

    Here, I'm bored so I decided to make a little trivia quiz based on the Fullmetal Alchemist series. I'll give 10 points to the answer with the most correct answers. Even if you don't know much about Fullmetal Alchemist I'd like to see what you come up with, Just guess if you have to! All...
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    Fullmetal Alchemist trivia! Easy points! 10 points to highest answer?

    Here, I'm bored so I decided to make a little trivia quiz based on the Fullmetal Alchemist series. I'll give 10 points to the answer with the most correct answers. Even if you don't know much about Fullmetal Alchemist I'd like to see what you come up with, Just guess if you have to! All...
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    What happen to McDonnell Douglas?

    What ever happened to the company?The dont make aircrafts any more?I heard they had a plan for making a MdDsuper jet or something but then that faded out of the blue along time ago.What happened to them?
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    How can I meet this girl I think like?

    She goes to my school and is in a grade ahead of me and she is a friend with me on Facebook and I want to try to start a conversation to be friends with her. I have no classes with her either. She has an Xbox Live account so I just thought I could maybe start a conversation with her on there...
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    what does it mean when you see your dad and your best friend killed in a dream?

    i had a dream that i saw my dad died and on the next day my all time best friend was killed and then all i did was sit and cry all day long and it like phisically hurt inside some one stabed me and was tearing my insides out of me and i couldnt do anything but lie on the floor...
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    How do you download a crack torrent?

    I have bought the Sims 3 Ambitions and for some reason the disc stopped only has like 5 scratches and I've had it for a month.
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    (Home movie) DVD+R will not work in my DVD player?

    I used Windows Movie Maker and copied my home movie onto a DVD+R blank disc. But it won't play in my DVD player. Do I need a different kind of disc? Should I use a different movie making program, or what? Thanks!
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    My kids won't eat fruit. Are they still getting their nutrition from fruit juice?

    I always buy 100% and dilute it with water, as we find it too sweet. Are my kids still getting valuable vitamins and fruit servings? They also take a multivitamin daily. The only fruit they will eat is apples...Do you have any tips or suggestions for getting them to try, and like, different...
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    My kids won't eat fruit. Are they still getting their nutrition from fruit juice?

    I always buy 100% and dilute it with water, as we find it too sweet. Are my kids still getting valuable vitamins and fruit servings? They also take a multivitamin daily. The only fruit they will eat is apples...Do you have any tips or suggestions for getting them to try, and like, different...
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    My kids won't eat fruit. Are they still getting their nutrition from fruit juice?

    I always buy 100% and dilute it with water, as we find it too sweet. Are my kids still getting valuable vitamins and fruit servings? They also take a multivitamin daily. The only fruit they will eat is apples...Do you have any tips or suggestions for getting them to try, and like, different...