Search results

  1. J

    What is the best kind of smoker to buy to cook meat & other kinds of

    food. What prices are they &? where can I get one at ?
  2. J

    How does spontaneous physical activity and nutrition impact one's total health?

    Based on spontaneous physical activity and nutrition survey how do these areas impact on one's total health?
  3. J

    What is a good recipe for peanut butter waffles?

    I am a huge peanut butter freak. I also love waffles. I know that there are some recipes out there which combine my two great loves. Has anyone out there tried one and liked it and if so can I have it?
  4. J

    Should all ice cream trucks be regulated to play the same song?

    Like Its a small world...or maybe the jack in the box mini sirloin burger commercial song? I am just looking for something LESS annoying than what they are playing now?
  5. J

    Should all ice cream trucks be regulated to play the same song?

    Like Its a small world...or maybe the jack in the box mini sirloin burger commercial song? I am just looking for something LESS annoying than what they are playing now?
  6. J

    Is hubby watching way too much Sci Fi Channel Tv?

    He started making crop circles in our bedroom pile high carpet and I can't get him to stop?
  7. J

    Should my disappointment in Obama Interupting The View This morning with his News

    Conference...? Affect my vote if he runs again? I was perfectly happy watching Sean Astin's new Disney Playhouse Cartoon clip on The View this morning and BLAMMO!!!.. They cut into it to watch the news conference? How rude can a president be?
  8. J

    Why can't technology allow us yet to fax food?

    I made some awesome cookies and I want to fax them to my friend?
  9. J

    More 60's Tv Trivia..............jeeps?

    Rat Patrol Your others today stumped me!
  10. J

    Do you like or dislike driving the never VW Bugs?

    Possibly may get one for my teenage daughter so we can teacher her to drive a stick? Does anyone here in yahoo answers own one and how do you like the way it drives?
  11. J

    Dodge Grand Caravan, uneven idle?

    I have a 1999 Grand Caravan and it has recently been suddenly accelerating for about 15 seconds then going back to normal. Even when in park, it will suddenly increase rpms for 15 seconds then back to normal idle speed. What might be the problem?
  12. J

    Dodge Caravan uneven idle?

    I have a 1999 Grand Caravan with over 125,000 miles and it has recently been suddenly accelerating for about 15 seconds then going back to normal. Even when in park, it will suddenly increase rpms for 15 seconds then back to normal idle speed. What might be the problem?
  13. J

    Why can't technology allow us yet to fax food?

    I made some awesome cookies and I want to fax them to my friend?
  14. J

    Why can't technology allow us yet to fax food?

    I made some awesome cookies and I want to fax them to my friend?
  15. J

    how young can you dirve a enduro dirt bike leagaly in california?

    Yes, if you can spell correctly
  16. J

    Why can't technology allow us yet to fax food?

    I made some awesome cookies and I want to fax them to my friend?
  17. J

    Infinity I-35, Where is the in-cabin air filter located?

    I want purchase a new one and replace it myself. Is it under the dash?
  18. J

    What is the world coming too? Gas prices are going down and OJ is in Jail?

    Is there hope for this world yet? I am so proud.. I feel a tear coming on!! Very true... And we have a black president!
  19. J

    Why can't technology allow us yet to fax food?

    I made some awesome cookies and I want to fax them to my friend?
  20. J

    is a toast with peanut butter on it a healthy snack?

    100% whole wheat bread with natural peanut butter.