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    How do you get games on the Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play?

    I was thinking of getting the Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play, but I was just wondering how you get the games, if there built in, are they free or do you need to pay for them, just everything really. Also does it or can it have adobe flash player on, so that I can watch videos on it? Thanks
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    Weather in calgary , alberta?

    Im gunna be moving to calgary in 1 week. What is the weather like around april? Do i need my winter jacket and boots?When does summer officially start in calgary?
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    Anyone good at interpreting dreams?

    I had a dream that this guy (who i'm pretty decent friends with) told me I was cute and in the dream I sort of ran away it was weird and random. Anyone have an inckling as to what it might mean?
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    how come my friends r trying to act like the ppl from Jersey shore when it was...

    ...such a joke at first? i live in canada and my friends are starting 2 talk wit jersey accents and dressing and doing their hair the same as ppl on jersey shore. i thought the show was a joke and every1 was laughing at these ppl ?
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    how much weed would u say whiz khalifa smokes in a day?

    just wonderin, he raps about it a lot
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    Who is the "it" girl in Hollywood right now?

    lindsay lohan
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    high fashion baby boutiques in amsterdam, netherlands?

    Can anyone list high fashion baby boutiques in Amsterdam, Netherlands that would carry lines such as (or similar to) Petit Lem, The Tea Collection, Zutano, etc.
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    best supernatural book series out there?

    I liked first books of Anita Blake, Charmed series, True Blood, and Sactuary series. I was recommended The Hollows series by Kim Harrison, The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, and Forbidden Magic and then Seduced by Magic by Cheyenne McCray. I am having hard time picking between them help!
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    what is the difference between Kenya and Canada?

    I am doing an essay, differences between those two countries.
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    Attention everyone who used to watch Mister Rogers! Please help me :(?

    I could have SWORN there was a real person character, in the neighborhood of make believe, called Lady Evelyn. She had blue eyes and I think wavy, brown shoulder length hair and always wore dresses. When I google Mister Rogers characters, she is never mentioned and I can't find anything about...
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    what paperwork do i need to travel with my baby overseas?

    i ve got a greencard and applied for her passport since she was born here. But i have to leave asap and her passport is not ready yet...what are my options?
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    I am so beautiful...I love myself so much.?

    I'm in perfect shape and I am really gorgeous. I stare into mirrors all the time...sometimes hours on end, taking pictures of my beautiful face... I've even gone as far as to put my pictures up on an adult site because I love the comments I get. One of my friends found out about the pics, and...
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    Where can I see videos of people smoking Cannabis? I'm doing a project for

    Health class.? Help.
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    Does everybody on the cheerleading team have to scream?

    Like would I be able just to say my words clearly and everybody else already yells? Like is it a requirement to yell? Like if you smiled and were cheerful you just didn't yell!
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    Do you have to scream a lot for cheerleading?

    Could I get away with just saying it clearly cuz I don't want to ruin my vocal chords. Thanks.
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    what celebrity looks most like nemo from finding nemo?

    it's all in the question :P any opinions are good thannnnnnnnnnnks!! :D
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    Do I have to have a credit card to purchase items off ebay?

    I don't have one...can I pay with cash? I just signed up today.
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    Should I take my son to the Doctor?

    My 3 year old son and I eat the same vegetarian diet. Since June, when my son has a bowel movement, he has tons of gas and most often his bowels are loose; not completely solid and are very light in color (but not liquid diarrhea). Sometimes just little soft pieces of stuff comes out and then...
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    how much do you pay for iphone(phone plan)*answer this if you have iphone*?

    i was just wondering i am really not sure about my phone plan for iphone yet but i just want to see what you pay maybe your plan works the best for me. i am getting iphone for myself really soon. but it must include text messeging, minute plan in it. if you have family plan. i might want to...
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    these are my symptoms, whats wrong with me?

    Ive been really busy with work and school and havnt found time to make an appt. yet but just so i know what im dealing with here id like to know what kind of things may be wrong with me, i know i cant self diagnose but i dont know how serious this is... ive always had migraines but i have...