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  1. S

    how do i copy the apps on my iphone onto a fresh version of itunes? (see...

    ...description)? laptop packed in so have had to put windows back on and download itunes from scratch, have synced my iphone but it does nothing, on the apps page the only option i have is to sync the ones from the library (none except the home page) and replace the ones on the iphone therefore...
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    Miuchiz Handheld 1.0 trouble with connection!?

    Ok so i have this Miuchiz Hand held device. Its NOT the 2.0 it is 1.0 its been a while since i played it and i decided to play it tonight. Well,I put it my Bratz Baby,Chloe,on the computer,and i hooked it up to my computer and poof. Nothing happens. It says "Please connect to computer." Then it...
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    Doesnt it seem that some people are just not meant to be popular i myself included?!?

    Im 14 and i really am not popular at all. I dont really have a group of friends and most people dont say hi to me in the morning LOL. I have one really close friend and then another that is pretty close to. I dont really do anything with anyone besides them. I mean i try to make other friends...
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    Gossip Girl vs Ugly Betty vs Desperate Housewives....?

    Heres a fun little poll for everyone and anyone. Pick your favorite Also for 10 points anybody know when the new series are coming to England? If you know when any of them are please put. Thanks
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    Can you suggest which bluetooth for my Nokia 5610?

    I have never owned a bluetooth. What is the best quality/brand that you may suggest?
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    any tips on how i can stop whining?

    i'm 16 and i complain a lot. it's not that i'm a negative person, it's more that i'm very awkward in social situations, so i use whining as my default. i really want to end this habit. any tips?
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    Can you suggest a good wax for a black Honda Accord?

    It is a 2003 & will be paid off next month! Yipee! I would like to keep it for as long as possible. I have never used a car wax.Do I look for a black wax? Any suggestions or brands you may recommend?
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    How to remove hard water stains(sprinklers)from my black car?

    I have a black Honda Accord. The drivers side has many water stains from parking next to the sprinklers. Both on the windows & the paint. The windows are tinted. What is a safe product I can use on it? Windex did not work. By the way,I am now parked in the garage to prevent this from happening more.
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    is it ok to sit down for awhile when my period cramps are acting up?

    i'm 16 and usually i don't get bad cramps during my period. today they were pretty bad and made it hard for me to walk. i was walking to my car after school and i was in a lot of pain and kinda doubling over so i sat down for 5 minutes and then walked to my car, which was very close by. i was...
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    Black Molly Killed our Zebra Danio fish?

    My daughter has had 2 zebra danios for a little over a year. We went to Petco 2 days ago & she wanted a black molly as well. When I put them in the aquarium together,they all seemed fine. This morning,our smallest zebra danio was dead. Also,it was not floating at the top of the water,it looked...
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    how do i stop whining?

    i am 16 years old and tend to fall into a habit of whining about everything that bothers me, that i think is stupid, that i dislike, etc. i don't want to be like this but i don't know how to change. also....sometimes i do this around other people when i don't know what else to talk about. how do...
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    what should i say if people are asking me about rumors?

    over the summer, i ended a 2-year friendship with a miserable girl who was really affecting my happiness. i am 16 and go to a very small school, the same as she does. we are in different grades though. everyone at school thinks that we're best friends, so as soon as they find out, lots of people...
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    I need the best cellphone that has a long lasting battery and great

    reception carried through verizon? I just bought the LG Decoy, and since it is within the 30 days of having it, i am taking it back and getting a new phone! this phone dies within two hours, and i can't hear anything anyone is saying...what would be a good phone for battery use and great reception!?
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    Which celebrity do I look like?

    I just got my hair done yesterday, so a lot of people say I look like Demi Lovato [but just the hair] I originally wanted it to look like Camilla Belle's, but okay. But which celebrity do I look like?? *Please no rude comments*...
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    Celebrity look-alike?

    Had to delete the question because of rude answers..anyway please no rude answers this time and I wont keep posting this question I...
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    Naturalized citizen travelling to England?

    I have a question for my homework which I just cannot seem to find the answer for. If you could help me out or lead me in the right direction I would be really greatful! Thanks! I am a naturalized citizen of the United States traveling to England this summer: a.What documentation will I need...
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    my chihuahua and terrier could be pregnant?

    her nipples r the size of dimes, her tummy is huge and it sticks out he**a far, shes lazy and she sleeps all the time, and eats werid ass food.. i know i know thoses r the signs of her bein pregnant.. i was wondering.. how do u check there temp.. wat is it suppost to b.. and etc.. wat should i...
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    why i did i blush when a girl asked me if i had a tampon?

    why on earth did i blush? i've never seen this girl before but she works at the same place i do. it's not like i don't have my period. i'm 16 btw.
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    Just tell me why?

    Hello Everybody Plz.... Tell Me Why My Cuzzo Is 7 Years Old She Has A Cell Phone....... And I Keep Askin' My Family 4 One And They Never Ever Got My One And I Am 12......plz Help
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    help i have a white bump on my left tonsil, what is it? it hurts!!!?

    ive tried choloseptic spray, aspirin, ice cream, water...the white bump doesnt smell or anything, my breath is fine. i've rinsed with salt water but it tastes horrible. my throat is very sore i do not have a fever, runny nose or anything, specifically something wrong with my 18