Search results

  1. M

    How do you downgrade iphone apps?

    Specifically, I would like to go to a previous version of app trailers. If anyone maybe has a link to a download for that, I would be very thankful.
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    Chase Credit Card Interest Rate?

    I opened my chase credit statement and found the interest rate at 31 % avg. is 15.24% is this what you get when your payment is never late and I always always pay more then the minimum so say the minimum payment is 125.00 I pay 300.00 per month so why the high rate ? I have called and asked them...
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    I want to travel to Canada alone?

    I will be 20 what would be the best way to go about it and reccomended places to go see?
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    LG BD530 vs toshiba bdx1100?

    Which one should I get, both of them for the same price. I don't care at all about the internet functions. But I would like upscaling Dvds. any advice would be great
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    Borderlands Goty PC DVD Cover?

    Hey , im searching for the Borderlands – Game Of The Year Edition pc cover. so if someone has it or know where to download it please send me a link. Thanks
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    How do I use karate in a sentence?

    Is it correct to write, "My friend can do karate?"
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    previews on the international dvd with clive owens?

    What was the previews that were shown on the US release of the movie " The International" ??? Trying to figure it out please.
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    Help me find something good to read (sci-fi and fantasy)?

    My favorite writers are Roger Zelazny, Neil Gaiman and Jeff VanderMeer...that's talking about writing styles, not the genre. But I already read everything I ever find from them (which is pretty much everything) and now...well, looking for someone new. I love sci-fi the most, then fantasy and...
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    Does someone have Audi 100?

    I would like to know, if someone got Audi 100 C4 year:1994 Engine:2.6E? And how much you pay for insurance? And if someone knows, if my car is left hand drive, does it increase pay for insurance?
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    I need car insurance online!!!?

    I am very tired of having to run down to the auto insurance agent just to pay my car insurance all the time. I am very, very busy and since most of auto insurers allow customers to pay their bill online I want to start doing that. My dilemma is that I don't know what insurance company would be...
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    nissan micra clutch fault?

    The clutch pedal has gone rock hard and won't go to the floor, any idea's?.
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    DVD player output help.?

    I was wondering if there is a way to make an out put from a DVD video so that when you play it, it can send a digital signal to a computer chip. Ex. Arduino etc. So that when you play the video it can send a signal to the computer chip that makes it do something like turn a light on or something...
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    what is a good program to burn videos to dvd? ConvertXtodvd wont work on my computer

    anymore.? i always used convertX but lately it seems that the program doesnt seem to want to work for me.
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    Samsung Rant Texting issue?

    So I've had this phone for a month and a half and its been great, (besides the fact that the camera sometimes decides it doesn't want to save pictures unless I let the battery run out completely and recharge it.) Anyways, so texting has been a bit strange lately. I will text out a message as...
  15. M

    Samsung Rant Texting issue?

    So I've had this phone for a month and a half and its been great, (besides the fact that the camera sometimes decides it doesn't want to save pictures unless I let the battery run out completely and recharge it.) Anyways, so texting has been a bit strange lately. I will text out a message as...
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    How would gas get in my oil in a 1991 nissan 300zx?

    My car messed up again as usual, I filled up my car with water was on my was home from about a 200 mile trip, but i did not even make it 80 miles before my car over heated, i was driving about 80 mph on the interstate, and my car jumped from little below half to all the way to the H on the temp...
  17. M

    where can i find The Last Airbender Online streaming with out taking a survey?

    i understand that it may not be a good movie but that is why i am not going to go to the movie theaters. someone please help me find a place i can watch this movie without having to join a sketchy site or do a weird survey!!!!
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    whats the funniest thing u've ever got a detention for?

    Frankly i've never recieve a detention... yet.
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    How do I store cooked pasta?

    It has already been mixed with the sauce. How long will it last?
  20. M

    How do I store cooked pasta?

    It has already been mixed with the sauce. How long will it last?