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    Is it bad if I only eat one meal a day?

    I'm 20 male, weigh 150 and just seem to only eat one meal a day and am fine, I feel like I ignore the hunger most of the time or atleast it isn't bad enough to make me want to go eat/make something. Food just isn't that appealing and fastfood kinda grosses me out. I was on ritalin when I was...
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    Anyone know of a yaoi manga that has a harem theme with snow white and cinderella?

    I think it has some kid becoming a host or something and his "name" is based off of fairy tale princesses and he ends up falling in love with his client and it has another of the guys called snow white whose dating the boss but I cant remember the name of it
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    hollywood/celebrity day?

    tomroow my school is having hollwood/celebrity day for spirit week. who should i be?
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    What Makes it smell better? lol?

    Okay, well ive heard that if you eat things like tuna, or pineapple then it will make your pussy smell better lol is that true? & if it is then what are some other things tht make it smells better also lol
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    Moving Soccer Clubs In Wisconsin Help.?

    hello, I'm a U14 becoming a U15 boys soccer player. I play for the current Fond du lac soccer association. My coach and all my players agree that i'm to good and need to move on. I'm a goalie and looking for a state level team close to Fond du Lac, WI.
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    Moving Soccer Clubs In Wisconsin Help.?

    hello, I'm a U14 becoming a U15 boys soccer player. I play for the current Fond du lac soccer association. My coach and all my players agree that i'm to good and need to move on. I'm a goalie and looking for a state level team close to Fond du Lac, WI.
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    Possibly pregnant ?? Could use some answers please!!!!!?

    in the heat of the moment, me and my boyfriend had sex and didn't use protection. i take a normal everyday birth control pill at night and forgot to it the night before :/ he pulled out just in time but some may have still gotten in me and i know its possible to get pregnant from precum. im...
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    I really want a dog bad but my parents say that we have too many animals. What do...

    ...I do? All I need is a couple of tips of how to convince my parents into letting me have a dog.
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    Does anyone know any memorable Gossip Girl quotes?

    FROM THE BOOK? Like probably from Gossip Girl herself. But from anyone really. But I suppose any VERY memorable ones from the show are good too.
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    Car parts for Mazda 323 in NSW, Australia.?

    Hi i was just wondering if anyone would be able to help me out. I own an 89 Mazda 323 and i really want to do it up because it would look sweet with a body kit etc but i am having trouble finding places that would be able to help me out. Does anyone know where there are any preferably around...
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    can you use a sim card from a phone that is from tmobile but doesnt have a...

    ...sidekick plan in a sidekick? i have a tmobile phone with a regular plan but my phone is broken. i want to buy a used sidekick but first i need to know if i can use that sidekick with my regular plan just for texting and calling. in other words will my sim card work in that phone?
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    I'm looking for a fast durable dirt bike?

    Im approx. 5'3 - 5'5 weigh 120 pounds, i do have about a year or two of experience, and my weight is 95% muscle (doctor's words :P)
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    Sprint Picture Mail Question?

    I got a picture message on my phone however when I open it it is says message not found. When I go to my picture inbox next to this particular message it shows a folder with a checkmark next to the date. What does this mean?
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    im 13 and weigh 122! help?

    Im in 8th grade and all my friends are gorgeous and people say i am pretty but i really don't see it because i am overwhelmed with how fat i look my friends are skinny and have had many boyfriends.i haven't had one and it is really embarrassing! I would love to have some help on trying to loose...
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    How do you make your screen back to normal after you've already made it smaller?

    I was on a website, and when I was typing, I accidentally pressed a few keys(or maybe just one), but I forgot what the keys were and it just made my screen smaller, and now, everytime I go to that website, it never changes. Can someone tell me what key(s) I accidentally pressed and how I can fix...
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    Where can you take the 1000 question survey?

    I'm trying to find out where I can take the 1000 question survey. I don't want to read someone elses answers. HELP! I cannot sleep. Lol.
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    will a rebel sim card work on an iphone 1g?

    i have a rebel sim card but will it work on an iphone 1g?
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    My Future Lies In YOUR Hands>>>...?

    So I pretty much live in a small town in Kansas. I'm a 16 I want to pursue acting, but have no idea how to even start. I think I should get an agent, but don't know how. What should I do to get this all started?
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    Is there going to be a sidekick 2009?

    doubtfull. the tmobile g1 sems to have taken its place.
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    TWILIGHT SERIES QUESTION!! caution-spoiler located in question!?

    i know at the end of the series bella is eventually turned into a vampire. but i was wondering if it is edward who bites her or if it is someone else. details plz. i am going to read them but i was just wondering about that specific thing.