Search results

  1. B

    Why do I feel like laughing and crying at the same time?

    Why do I feel like laughing and crying at the same time for no apparent reason? There is nothing physically wrong with me, I just went to the doctor and got my blood work and physical done. I have been in between semesters in college, and do not leave my house for days or weeks at a time, could...
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    How to save changes on Fantasy Football Buddy App?

    Hey recently I got the Fantasy Football Buddy app for the barclays premier league but everytime i seem to change my squad around on my phone, i can never see a 'save button and when i press the back button, it resets my squad back to what I had it at do i change this? I'm using a...
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    Can I change a New York phone number to a Montana phone number on my T-Mobile phone?

    Just out of curiosity....
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    Bodybuilding question...?

    I'm worried that I will never get biceps like this guy (If that top link doesn't work try I read that you can only get so big without using steroids... I'm only 17 and I don't ever want to take...
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    LG Electronics NB3530A Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer and Bluetooth?

    I need to know the exact length of the sound bar itself out of the box. I'm working on preparing my setup and need to know if I'm going to have enough room. Thx!
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    Is there a way to restore my iPhone's content from a backup from iOS 6.1.3...

    ...after I downgraded to 5.1.1? I downgraded from iOS 6.1.3 to iOS 5.1.1, is there any way that I can restore the content that was on my phone when I had 6.1.3 onto my phone now, even though the firmware versions aren't compatible?
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    How can I get physically stronger with just dumb bells?

    Or no equipment at all? I have abit of muscle mass but I want to increase my strength... How can I do this with 2 dumb bells or 1 dumb bell?
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    iPhone Redsn0w Jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 won't work?

    I have jailbroken quite a few devices before, so I know the basics of jailbreaking. However, whenever I try to jailbreak my Verizon iPhone 4 with iOS 6.1.3 installed, it works but doesn't work. I have downloaded iOS 6.0 (filename iPhone3,3_6.0_10A403_Restore) and done everything correctly...
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    My cd-r will not open on my PC's dvd-r drive. Should it open there?

    I burned it on my other computer and when i put back in there it works fine but when I go to open in my other computer, which just has the DVD-rw it will not open the files(picture). Any insight would be great. thanks!
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    Poll: Do you own a smartphone?

    I feel like I'm one of the few people who actually doesn't own one haha
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    home stereo question?

    I have a home stereo and i would like to hook up a powered subwoofer to it. (Its a sony zx66i) and it has a connecter on the back of the unit for left and right speakers. Could i just hook up a powered subwoofer on it by putting the connecter for the subwoofer in there? If not how could i hook...
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    to which celebrity does this voice belong? cannot seem to make out which celebrity . couldnt make it clickable , just copy and paste the url in the youtube search engine. PLEASE HELP PLEASE!!!!
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    how do i extend the screen time on my samsung proclaim while in call mode?

    When i place a call on my samsung proclaim "smart phone" it auto matically turns off the screen! so if i want to press more numbers i have to hit the power button for the screen to display again and be very quick at selecting a number. "like when checking my bank account" ive tried every setting...
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    Does anyone else feel like this? Like on a hike to Mt. Everest, and...?

    ...1000 steps to greatness, but always 1 step toward falling to your death? I promise that I will only self-pity for the next 10 minutes, but lately, I have become very uncertain in my life (mid-20s). These are uncharted waters. Although I was supposed to go for a PhD, I'm finishing up with my...
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    what is my obsession with travel?

    i think it's almost become a form of escapism. I don't want to study (in college). Instead, whenever I can (spring break, fall break, inbetween semesters), I just take-off. Spring Break last year? South Africa. Fall Break this year? Rome. I like travelling. I get "nicer" (subjective) girls. I...
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    What is my obsession with travel?

    Other than the fact I got a scholarship and that it gets me a job, I hate college. in-class: nerds sucking up to the professor, working the bonus problems and studying studying studying. girls: that aren't even *that* pretty, and yet their noses are held so high frat-boys: i will never...
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    Cant find marketplace on xbox 360 dashboard?

    i just got the update for the 360 so everything is retarded. i want to download the skyrim dlc hearthfire but i can find the freakin thing anywhere. i use to be able to just search the marketplace app but its not there if anyone can help please do so
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    is magic true or just a joke ?

    i'm not talking about walking on the water or lifting people, i'm talking about some strange language that is written in some paper and they combine it with disgusting stuff, like blood, teeth animal skin/hair/ and the like, i heard a lot of stories about this, where they use it on people to get...
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    How to rip Rogers videos from anyplace?

    I need to rip a video from rogers anyplace tv But I do not know what to use to rip it with I tired UnPlug plugin for firefox but it does not show up. Help please and Thank you
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    Can a T-Mobile phone (blackberry Curve 8520) work in Canada with Telus...

    ...when it is unlocked? my friend gave me a blackberry curve, and it says "SOS" at the top right corner where the carrier should be. when I put my Telus SIM card in, the sos remains, and the phone doesn't connect to the Telus network... I'm pretty sure that the phone is unlocked, however...