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    Catholics, can the church heal from the child molestation scandal by first

    dressing in the robes of a beggar? Christ was a beggar and so was Saint Francis of Assisi and both wore the tattered rags of simple beggars as well, is that too good for the Pope and his assembly. Don't they know that humility can begin to heal the church? Catholicism is an institution worth...
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    Help! I need some inspiration?

    I am writing a short story and hope to have it published in this independent magazine type thing in my hometown. It's dystopia and about a big epidemic that has broken out, as well as a prophecy. I need a good title to call the capitol area of the setting. It's where the government is...
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    Why is it that i cant run in my dreams?

    Like always in my dreams if I'm trying to run from something or playing a game that involves running I always run like In slow motion and can't speed up and even while other people are going at a normal speed
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    USAFA Candidate Fitness Test?

    I plan to apply to the USAFA in my senior year of high school. When I take the CFT for my application, how do they judge you? I have very good grades (4.0 GPA) in all advanced and college classes, and have numerous out of school activities, but my physical fitness is lacking. When I submit my...
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    Velocity and distance with a constant acceleration of a car at 2.3 passing a

    truck with speed of 15.5? At the instant the traffic light turns green, an automobile that has been waiting at an intersection starts ahead with a constant acceleration of 2.30 . At the same instant, a truck, traveling with a constant speed of 15.5 , overtakes and passes the automobile. PART A...
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    Does my character's dream make sense?

    “I can’t have you,” a voice said. I turned around. A figure with white skin and dark… clothes?… stood behind me. I immediately knew its or… his name: Death. “I know what you are,” I said. He nodded. He was blurry. I couldn’t make out his facial features. “Of course you do...
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    What does this dream mean?

    “I can’t have you,” a voice said. I turned around. A figure with white skin and dark… clothes?… stood behind me. I immediately knew its or… his name: Death. “I know what you are,” I said. He nodded. He was blurry. I couldn’t make out his facial features. “Of course you do. Your father faced me...
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    What do you think about the beginning of my book?

    I jumped in the car, literally bouncing up and down in my seat. It was humid outside, but I liked it. How would Blaine feel about the warm weather? I asked myself. My mom came in the car right after me along with my sister, Kelsey. Kelsey didn’t like school but I loved it, ever since I got...
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    What celebrities do you most resemble?

    What celebrities resemble you the most in appearance?
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    how do you air out on a bmx bike?

    how do u air out realy good in a quarter pipe or halfpipe
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    Can you dip or smoke in the marines?

    Just wondering
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    Where can I find a torrent of the show Wild Bunny with 2pm (english subs)?

    I'm new when it comes to using torrents so I need something simple. When I tried to download a torrent before, I'd get this page that says Acess Denied, and it would try to make me sign up and pay for something. I need a FREE and easy torrent. Thanks!
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    Recreation football leagues?

    Does anyone know of any football leagues for 18/19 year olds around the mukilteo/everett/edmonds area? I only recently became interested in football and want to join a league for fun and the experience.
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    Does anyone know of psychic earthquake predictions?

    I live in Southern California and have been hearing different earthquake predictions, both psychic and scientific. Has anyone heard about this? Apparently there have been many accurate predictions from both sources.
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    With an A.A.S.(paralegal degree) & bachelors in fashion design= get into law school?

    With an A.A.S.(paralegal degree) & bachelors in fashion design= get into law school? I have a paralegal degree because i wanted a stable career and enjoy my job, but I also LOVE fashion and wanted to do something else i really enjoy. So now I want a change again and would like to go to law...
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    Has anyone ever wanted to rewrite a scene in a book?

    Ever thought, This book would have been great if ...or... I love this book, but I wanted... or I'd just make this one change...
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    Is ufc video game worth buying?

    I was thinking about buying it and have you played it is it easy to control guys
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    Is ufc video game worth buying?

    I was thinking about buying it and have you played it is it easy to control guys
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    What is Hollywood Records looking for in singers?

    im really curious.... what are their expectations?
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    my computer downloads torrents @ 1.4 MB (not KB, MB) per sec. How fast is that...

    ...compared to the average joe? It takes me 30 minutes at worst to download a full movie. Where do I rank among the average downloaders? BTW I use utorrent to download. And is there any way to speed up my downloads?