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    Justice From Within Serving Time With Gertrude Baniszewski?

    The book by Gisele Veilleux... I cannot find this book to save my life... So can someone give me the run down on it? Or where I could possibly find it? Thanks lol
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    Do you think I can tell the future? 10 points B.A.?

    Sometimes i feel like i can tell the future it is so weird my dreams always seem to come true in my dreams something happens and then a number i said like once i had a dream that someone in my family is going to commit suicide and i heard the number 14 and 14 days later my dad tells me my uncle...
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    How to Get Free Apple Ipad 2?

    Is not it impossible to get a free apple ipad 2 you can get just by sponsoring your friends through social sites like facebook. please go to this site to get free stuff.
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    Why is it always my right ankle..?

    So I've had several dreams where something always happens to the inside of my right ankle, around where the tibia bone ends I think? But I've been shot there by a double barrel shotgun in several dreams, and a pistol once or twice, and another gun two, but I don't know if it was a single shot...
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    Is my ball python set up ok?

    Yesterday i got a baby ball python. I think its a he so that's what i will be calling him. He is 3 months old. Was hatched August 15, 2010. He is in a 10 gallon tank until he gets bigger then i will upgrade him. In his tank during the day the "warm" side is at 90F and the cool side is at moves...
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    what does this joke mean im lost haha?

    10 men and on woman hang onto a rope for there lives. The rope can only hold 10 people go. A woman says she'll go and gives a very inspiring speech. At the end, all the men clap for her... ;)
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    Buying live food for fish?

    Ok so here is the problem...I want to feed my BPs live food but i have seen that it is bad to buy feeder fish at the store because they could have a disease and could get my PBs sick. The lady at the pet store said i could also feed ghost shrimp to them but wouldn't it be the same with the...
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    How to meet girls in Santiago?

    I'm down here for a few weeks and looking to meet people to talk to , improve my spanish and generally have fun with, but I don't know how to find people down here. Any help? Are there local websites, personals (I know, but still!)? Thanks ~mal~
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    How can i get my mom to be less pissed at me?

    Ok so a day ago my mom and i got into a fight and she is mad at me. So called me fat and i told her it was rude and she took this as talking back but i just was telling how i felt. I need help please
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    Can you guess the moral of this story?

    There once was a happy little fly buzzing around a barn one day when she happened upon a large pile of fresh cow manure. Since it had been hours since her last meal and she was feeling hunger pangs, she flew down to the irresistible delicacy and began to munch out. She ate..... and ate...
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    Whats a good piano keyboard? I need help.?

    I am looking for a new one. Weighted keys, and one that would perform live well. my budget is $600-700. (i will go cheaper)
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    How much is it to subscribe to starz on demand with fios?

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    Xbox 360 Netflix, help?!?

    How do I work it? It's got 7 movies on it that it says I can watch, and I have more on my Queue that are instant viewing. How does it all work?
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    cd-dvd how to fix error 19?

    does anybody now how to fix error 19 on cd dvd rom thanks in vista prem
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    My LG Chocolate broke...?

    And i'm not sure if verizon will cover it. I pay insurance on it. But i dropped it in a puddle so it fried... Do you know if it will cost me anything to replace it?
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    A short funny xmas themed joke ?

    ( not a kids one)
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    Who do you think will win celebrity "Get me out of here?"?

    My money's on Martina
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    Which job is more dangerous: infantry or truck driver?

    Ive always heard that infantry was more dangerous. But my husband has just joined as 88M [truck driver] and ive been recieving daily news letters about whats going on in Iraq and it seems everyday something bad happens to a truck driver. And my husband wanted infantry but i told him NO because...
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    Where can I find ringtones that are 100% free?

    Nothing where you have to pay at least once. I mean FREE.
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    Did you hear the one about the 85 year old having his yearly medical?

    An 85 year old was in the doctor's surgery having his yearly check up. The doctor says "Mr Smith I'd like you to come back in two weeks time with a semen sample." Mr Smith says "Pardon." "I'd also like a urine sample and a stool sample." Mr Smith says "Pardon. I'm rather hard of hearing...