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    How Much Trust Should You Put in Your Scuba Tour Operator?

    How Much Trust Should You Put in Your Scuba Tour Operator?
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    Only have light dumb bells.?

    Hey guys, I use to work out at Lifetime Fitness but since school started, I have to use the small gym in my neighborhood to save time. The thing is they only got dumb bells and the weight only go up to 40lb. Today I'm working out chest and tricep but I usually use heavier weight, Please tell me...
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    is alexander graham bell american or canadian?

    like does his telephone invention count towards a canadian invention or american invention?
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    cause of my golf tdi overheating?

    I have changed the thermostat and coolant but still overheats. also the heater is blowing cold.
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    i am looking for an blueray player which is compaitable with any hdtv, cost doesnt matters, i would like to buy an player of either sony or samsung but if there is an better available then please suggest. currently i own an sony KDL-42EX440 led hdtv but in few months i am switching to samsung...
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    i am looking for an blueray player which is compaitable with any hdtv, cost doesnt matters, i would like to buy an player of either sony or samsung but if there is an better available then please suggest. currently i own an sony KDL-42EX440 led hdtv but in few months i am switching to samsung...
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    fun android apps? (non-games)?

    looking for android apps to have a good time that aren't games. Games bore me and use too much battery.
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    On a T-Mobile phone what does a Facebook session expired notification mean?

    My gf and I recently agreed to deactivate our facebooks I just seen a notification on her phone that said Facebook session expired log in..I already have trust issues with her..does it mean she's still getting on once in awhile?..
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    android games crashing when wi fi is off?

    samurai 2 veangence is crashing whenever wifi is turned off so I can't play it when I'm out.. It's happening with plants vs zombies also. Does anyone know a fix ?
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    Spiritually speaking, is this video random enough to be funny?
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    Is this video random enough to be funny?
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    lord of the manor hardships or dangers?

    hardships or dangers lord of the manor has?? include source
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    Poll- Do you buy caged eggs?
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    why doesnt the GOP congress cooperate with obama?

    why do we have a congress that doesnt want to work with the president, at least obama stopped the economy from sky-rocketing bad. it took bush 8 years to mess up the economy, and now it is recovering from it so it will take time, please people be patient and support obama, he is trying his best...
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    Why are deleted apps added to my iphone every time it syncs wireless?

    Ever since ios5 whenever my iphone syncs wireless, it adds the last few apps i deleted and sometimes it deletes the last few apps I downloaded. Why does this happen and how can I stop it while continuing to sync wireless?
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    Danni and Ed are in the same quiz team. In each round a person can score...

    ...up to 10 points.? Here are the scores for Danni. 1 1 10 2 10 1 3 The scores for Ed have a range of 3 The mean score for Ed is 5 Compare the scores for Danni and Ed.
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    anyone traveled with EF TOURS before.?

    please share your experience and do the hotels have showers cause i heard someone say that theres didnt have running water. :0 cause im going to be there for 9 days and i want to shower. im going to paris and spain this summer.
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    Printer for high school?

    what's a good printer for high school? I'll need to use a printer once in a while in highschool for projects and essays and stuff.. I live in Canada by the way
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    why does my sony xplod subwoofer have really low bass?

    i got a sony xplod stereo and subwoofer but and before i bough the sony stereo it sounds amazine but now i dont know whats wrong with it.. its the stereo?? amp or sub??
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    how can you get 300 sparring points in ufc 2010 undisputed?

    okay i see a lot of videos saying do this and get a 100 points or this and get 300 points well i do that and still get no kind of points like that i follow the steps and still do not get 300 points or 100 points like they do i even tried switching the ai to my advantage and still get no kind of...