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    From a Christian point of view...what do you think of the Quote below, is it...

    ...right or wrong? Never Forget 3 Types Of People In Your Life 1. Who helped you in your difficult time 2. Who left you in your difficult times 3. Who put you in difficult time
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    Someone who is in my dreams all the time?

    I used to see this guy, it was getting to know him and just sexual, I'm a Leo female and he's a Scorpio male.. anyways., I dream about him alll the time! I dont know what it is. Maybe I still want more? I don't knoe but in the dream everytime before i wake up he always disses me (ex. I try to...
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    on family guy who else thinks that Lois Griffin has an annoying voice and...

    ...whines alot too? my favorite characters on family guy are Peter, stewie, brian, and his adorable gay cousin jasper, the evil monkey, the old pervert man herbert, Quagmire, oh Cleveland and his wife Loretta too because their funny! the rest of the characters i don't like. does anyone else...
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    Attic roof has a 7" pitch, width of the attic is 26'; ceiling must be 7'

    high, what size room could be added? want to add a room to the attic-can't figure the room dimension under that 7" pitch with a 7' ceiling. any help out there? the length of the attic will be the length of the room-what's the width?
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    When I try to download anything from the internet....?

    When I try downloading anything from the internet, It opens up the download window, and then shows a message saying "Internet explorer cannot download (name of item I'm trying to download).Internet explorer cannot open this window site. The requested site is either unable or cannot be found...
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    How much caffeine does exist in a cup of coffee?

    for example we need 200 mg caffeine every day!
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    i just got a new cell phone and activated it?

    and now my old one won't even turn back on so i can't get my contacts out of it. i was stupid and didn't back them up. is there anyway i can get my old phone to turn back on? i don't need it activated, just need it back on so i can get my contacts. thanks. oh and i have verizon
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    is it possible to put your bill/s on vacation mode?

    i'll be away for 2wks.....and i want to save money by putting my bills on vacation mode. is that possible?
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    what is (at&t wireless) internet express?

    I have a blackberry curve phone, and I was wondering why I was charged under "internet express" right under where it said "internet payperuse" now, I only connected my blackberry curve w/ a usb cord to my computer .. Am i seriously charged for doing that?
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    Which looks better on a girl a six pack or just a flat stomach?

    guys/or girls too, do you prefer for a girl to have flat stomach or to u think it looks even better with a six pack???
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    verizon LG dare...touch screen?

    my dad gave me this phone. but i can't activated it on my cell phone provider (sprint). i decided to sell it to my coworker...for $100. the phone cost $ 249.99. u think $100 buck is enough? for that kinda phone...brand new and latest model...
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    i have a question about light bulbs that may sound dumb?

    in my apartment, i just found out after being here a year and a half the tenats before me used too high of a wattage of light bulb. i didn't notice until the light bulbs started burning out and i would go and change them. i was wondering if an electrical fire could still start if i have the...
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    Complete Family or Promising Future?

    What will you choose, have a complete family with an average standard of living (family lives in one roof) or a broken family with promising future (parents separated because they are million miles away, working abroad for children’s future and found another family)? Please help me...thanks...
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    guys will even care if your ex didn't even greet u for your bday esp. if u

    know that this person is not over u? and suddenly she forget about u. will u be wondering why she didn't??
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    does virgo man loves to be greet on his bday?

    any ideas......does he likes to hear from his ex???
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    yaris'07 owner?????????????

    are you having problem w/your car lately.....any kind?? i have a yaris'07.(4door)...lately i'm having problem. i think some electrical problem. sometimes the clock just shot down. it will go back to 12:00. are u haven't the same problem?
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    gurls......will u greet an ex for his bday. why and why not?

    if ever whats the sweetest ideas will u do for him to realized that he made a big mistake by letting u go?? or forget about it?
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    i'm planning to go to paris france for one week much... do i need to bring? ? is it expensive there? please give me some ideas?? thanks
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    Volleyball hitting question!!?

    i am a weak side hitter in volleyball, i have a great approach according to my coach and i get the ball over, i get a decent amount of spikes i but only because i place the ball in the right spot, what i want to no if how i can get my hit harder, and faster, like a bullet almost, please help me!!!
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    i'm in my 20's and recently my 2 front teeth have all of a sudden started to overlap?

    i was just at the dentist and do not have any gum disease or anything to cause this. he did not say anything really but its a little crooked. i have impacted wisdom teeth would that be whats causing it all a sudden? if i have them removed would my teeth shift back to normal?