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    Will a Motorola Milestone 3 case fit an HTC sense?

    Will a Motorola Milestone 3 case fit a Boost mobile HTC sense?
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    I have a cracked/damaged cowl vent on my car. Where would I go to replace it?

    Ok, first off, I'm a little stumped at what a cowl vent is. :O I've asked before to identify what the object was on my car >.< and now I don't even know where to go to replace it. I've googled it, yahood it, ebayed it, but I can't seem to find the part for sale anywhere. HELP! It's a '97...
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    Can YOU tell me many things about the iphone?

    im thinking about getting the iphone. what does microsoft exchange i think do? is 3G internet, internet all the time, where ever i go? answer my questions and please give me more information!!! after a while like a day or week am i going to get used to typing on it? HELP...
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    how do i put music on a sim card for a phone?

    i just got a new phone and i want to put music on it but i dont no how my dad told me i could put the sim card in my comp and put music on it but how??
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    Does anyone have any funny short jokes?

    any funny short jokes?
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    How i can just be happy with my figure?

    Im not obese or fat, im not that overweight but i am really really unhappy with my size. I weigh a bit more than i should only being 5ft 2 im quite short and i am too heavy for my height but i cant work out why. i go to the gym at least 3 times a week and study p.e so i am doing that about 5...
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    In the new series of Skins, what was the song playing right at the end of

    episode one? Wow that's brilliant! Thank you so much :-)
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    Quad-band Nokia 6111?

    I have had my Quad-band Nokia 6111 phone for a long while. I took it out of my drawer this morning only to find when i turned it on, it had a white screen. My mum says I should take out the battery but I can't find on where to open it. If anyone knows please help. Also, whats up with the white...
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    How do i get sound on my videos on MOTO Q phone?

    i made a short video yesterday and it played back fine. then i made one today and it played the video fine but there was no sound. so i don't know what happened? is there something i should check. im just curious if it's a simple mistake. but AH i want sound back so badly!=( Thank you!
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    Am i bisexual??How do i kno if i am?

    okay,i think i've had crushes on girls might have been just admiration..but, i thought they were sooo prettty!!i'm not sure if i'm straight,i hope this is just a phase;because i really don't want to be anything but straight[[i have nothing against those who aren't...
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    What's the best way to get cash for used DVDs?

    Most of mine I'm looking to get rid of are old TV series sets.
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    What to wear for hiking?

    I'm going on an expedition in Utah in two weeks. So I wasnt wondering what clothes will I need since I will be hiking in cold, unpredictable weather and steep, slippery paths for 5-6 hours? I've never been hiking so i'm not sure what to get. Where to I find cheap hiking clothes? Thanks i'm...
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    does anyone rememebr As If on channel four yeaars ago?

    i really wanna watch it online somewhere!
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    Are there any singers like...?

    Jamie Cullum, who kinda sing with the whole swing type voice and play piano and stuff? but are quite modern like him? I don't like ray quinn lol
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    How do i play hard to get without making him think i'm not interested?

    There is this guy that i've been talking to for a while now. I do like him but I know I not in love with him or anything. We've never met before so I guess I really dont know him very well. He's actually coming down to visit me and a few days. He's flying from a different state just to see me...
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    I need a new cell phone. Help?

    Is there any slide phone that is compatible with Verizon that has a full keyboard? And possible a camera (not necessary though)? It doesn't have to be a very recent phone because I'm going to try and get it off of ebay.
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    I got exit mould on my finger, will I get sick?

    I accidentally got exit mould all over my finger. Will it make me get sick? I was in the bathroom and my mum was using it and it splattered onto my finger, I cant get the smell out of my finger, it's so annoying and I don't want to get sick
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    what do you think i should do? (party/family question)?

    hi again. for my birthday party which is coming up soon this month. im planning to have a beach party, but also have some of my party at home BUT my grandma will be here and im REALLY embarresed of her, i know thats sad but. shes really really mean and that, and she'll be yelling at my friends...
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    Where can I find a pcm board for my 2003 dodge Caravan ?

    I have looked all over for this PCM board and have had no luck. It has to be the right part and my vehicle is a flex fuel. Please help.
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    Is there ANY insurance that will cover my particular dental work?

    I am 23 and have had crooked teeth all my life, I finally saved up 5-6k to get braces started, but the orthodontist dropped a bomb on me and said I needed oral surgey, 30,000 dollars worht of it. I got a second opinion and it was about the same. My insurance is Aflac and they won't cover it...