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  1. L

    Dont even answer this.?

    Ok dont do it
  2. L

    acl injury question?

    Im 13 and heres the deal. So i tore my acl about a week ago in football and i had an MRI and my doctor told me i have a complete acl tear. but he said he doesnt want to do surgery on me because of my growth plates and he said if he did surgery it would mess them up. He said ill need to wait for...
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    present idea.

    my friend of 14 years is a music major like myself, and for christmas i was going to get him a new i-pod as seeing his broke. But he came home this weekend and went to his dads where his dad surprised him with an early birthday gift( his B-day is on the 10th of Dec.) so i have no idea what to...
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    Syncing Nokia E71 with a PC?

    Hi, I just got the Nokia E71. Is there a program that i can use that syncs the phone to a PC so that my contacts and calendar will be backed up? Also, i plan to make schedules on a computer to sync with the phone. Thanks
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    What do we think of our friends over the ocean who let an 8yr old get anywhere...

    ...near a sub machine gun? What a bunch of........Views tvm.
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    Should Ross and Brand be sacked for their disgraceful antics? A joke and a laugh are one thing but this is just below the belt. Views tvm
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    Do you think more women would have entered into politics if Lady T hadn't been...

    ...such a good role model? Just goes to show looking at Palin, the top of the political tree is not for them. View tvm
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    Are you concerned about what scientists are doing to fruit and veg all in the

    name of medicine? Now then whilst on one hand this could be very good news, one does wonder about all the manipulation of our plants, what effect will these new plants have on others, will we end up with a new super weed to rival Japanese Knotweed...
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    Why is Obama complaining about age old tactics? Well its nearly over and the real mud slinging has begun, its the way its been for ages, so what's his beef?
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    iPhone stuck pixel.. HUGE LINE! fixable?

    I have this line that suddenly appeared that goes from the top to bottom of my screen, parallel to the side. I've had my 3g for 4 months now, with a phone company ROGERS. I think warranty should cover it. Is this FIXABLE? or does it need to be replaced, cause i want dont want to send my phone in...
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    Does the research into veg fibres mean that this organic overpriced stuff is...

    ...the same? An interesting article me thinks, looking at it from one perspective it seems that the expensive organic fruit and veg is no better than the ordinary stuff that has been sprayed with chemicals for years. Views tvm
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    Should the House of Lords throw out the 42 day terror bill?

    Well the things due to go before the house tomorrow, what do you lot think any reasons for or against?
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    Do women make for better newsreaders?

    now be honest folks, do you prefer a soft dainty voice first thing in the morning?
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    Is the artwork depicting grim reaper that was supposed to be for St

    Pancras more suitable in a graveyard? Constructive criticism, this artist must be on some heavy duty stuff.
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    Does Gordon have a magic wand when he think everything will be back to normal... a few days? Izzy wizzy lets get busy. views tvm lets hope that a rabbit is all he pulls out.
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    What else can possibly go wrong in Iraq, has it turnt into one religious...

    ...melting pot? ? We used to say SNAFU, situation normal all fouled up, can anyone see any improvement if so what?
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    Should the Spainish tourist board be looking at more water sports?

    Most go there for the sun sea and sangria, looking at their weather this year, canoeing and white rafting seems more appropriate.
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    What's the best women's magazine to keep them quiet this afternoon?

    Just off to the shops, what's a good read so I can get on in peace and quiet?
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    Is it a sign of the times when a 106 yr old votes for a presidental candidate? In all her lifetime Obama is the only person worthy of her vote, should of gone to specsavers.
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    What do you make of the new life form found in SA? from its description sounds like a politician.