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  1. F

    Start job tomorrow

    Rather frightened indeed. Post something to take my mind off it PLEASE Grazie:eek3:
  2. F

    LG VU plus or Samsung Impression?

    I cant decide which phone i should get. I had the xenon but it got stolen so now i am going to get a new phone and i narrowed it down to these two and i cant choose. i like to text alot so that will be mostly the only thing i will be doing on these phones so talk time really doesnt matter for...
  3. F

    No fuel reaching Carbuerator ?

    What does it mean when someone says no fuel is reaching the carbuerator? I had put gas in my car and was trying to start it up and my friend had said that... what does this mean?
  4. F

    Important Dental question (brushing my teeth right)?

    i've noticed after I brush my teeth, and i scratch the far backest teeth, big chunks of yellow stuff come off my finger nail, and this does not happen with any other teeth... i'm guessing my toothbrush is not reaching all the way to the back teeth, and im worried about this. What should I do ? :(