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  1. G

    What weird or random thing have you learnt today?

    They say you learn something new every day. So, what weird or totally random thing have you learnt today? I'm not talking MA or school stuff, talking totally strange things or absolutely random stuff. For example, I randomly discovered that sand is strangely attracted to DC trainers while...
  2. G

    Dell XPS 420 Card Reader with built in Bluetooth Problems?

    The sd card reader part is not working. How do I get my computer to recognize my memory cards
  3. G

    How do I enable Bluetooth file transfer on my razr v3m Verizon Wireless?

    I want to transfer some files to my phone using bluetooth. I tried some ways to enable the feature but they did not work. Can someone help me
  4. G

    how do I eable buetooth on my razr v3m verizon wireless?

    I want to transfer some files to my phone, but file transfer is disabled on my phone. I need help