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    Release for the Kanjani 8UPPERS concert DVD?

    kanjani had an 8UPPERS concert and I was wondering if they are going to release a DVD for it. and if they are around what month of the year will they? thanks
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    In a cross country meet is it smart to try and keep up with the fastest runner... cross country? He runs the mile 45 seconds faster than me and in cross country he beat me by a minute last year in conference in 1 and a half miles and this year we will run 2 miles.
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    I need DVD editing software?

    I have several DVDs with double features on one disc. I want to burn the individual movies onto separate discs so I can organize my movies alphabetically.
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    I need DVD editing software?

    I have several DVDs with double features on one disc. I want to burn the individual movies onto separate discs so I can organize my movies alphabetically.
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    what was the song in that commercial for The N with Ciara?

    A few years ago there was this promo for The N; some was guy dancing, badly, to this slow R&B song, and then Ciara came out and taught him how to 1, 2 Step. Does anyone know the name of the song he was dancing to before Ciara came out?
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    what was the song in that commercial for The N with Ciara?

    A few years ago there was this promo for The N; some was guy dancing, badly, to this slow R&B song, and then Ciara came out and taught him how to 1, 2 Step. Does anyone know the name of the song he was dancing to before Ciara came out?
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    girls, is this funny or not?

    I was in the backyard with my younger sister and her friend. Her friend had a tape recorder in her hand taping dumb stuff. So I was on this balance beam trying to impersonate a gay male gymnast. My sis then says...hey catch! I caught the ball while i was on the balance beam but lets just say...i...
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    How soon in advance do you order internet/cable for a new house?

    How many days before the closing do you need to schedule?
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    How much is a used 2005/2006 Trek 3900 Mountain Bike worth today?

    Found this bike on craigslist, guy wants $99 for it, said he paid $185 for it last August. He says everything works fine, I'm going to look at it and maybe buy it later. Anybody know?
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    taco bell hours for the stores?

    Does anyone know taco bell hours and are they the same at all taco bells??
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    Where can I get gold milk in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town for GBA?

    I have milked my cows for a long time. All of my cows produce perfect milk, and I have never heard of gold milk. Is there gold milk?
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    electrical question... pls hlp?

    In electrical motors, what is the difference between nominal output and rated output if there is any???? thnks
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    A classic/good 360 game...?

    Christmas in two days (help). I need to know some good Xbox 360 games that I could buy for people. Looking for good games ranging from sports to RPG. 30-40 dollar range would be nice. Thanks!
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    any ford people know anything on this?

    any ford people know anything on this?
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    How can i create a quiz/survey which will allow me to present a report

    afterwards depending on their answers? After people have answered my questions how can i hve it set up that after answering they will be given a report about their results. Is there any free software out there that i can use?
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    Where can i find a mobile power souce ? I need a light weight power source for

    small electricals like a router? I need to portable mobile power source for small electrical products like a router. Where can i buy a light weight power source instead of buying a heavy item.
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    I would like to share my internet connection which is through a USB which is...

    ...connected to my mobile. How can i? Is it possible to share through a router such as a Linksys WRT54GS? I would like to share that with other people in my household through a router. Is it possible to use a router without having a...
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    I want to share my connection wirelessly but i do not receive my internet through...

    ...a landline can i still do it? I am temporarily living on rent. I chose to get mobile internet as it allows me to surf on my laptop and having no restriction on where i want to move. I would like to know whether I can share my internet connection which i currently receive through a USB device...
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    How can i share my mobile internet connection i receive through my usb?

    Is there a way i can transmit a signal using another router or something which will allow me to emit a signal so others can share my connection i have through mobile internet USB.
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    Can anyone tell me where to find a Micro-usb bluetooth dongle?

    I remember seeing these awhile ago but recently haven't had any luck finding them online. I keep finding mini/micro dongles for a standard USB port. What I want is one that would fit a micro USB port for bluetooth file transfer. Ex.the usb port on most newer cell phone models use the micro USB...