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    I've recently been inspired to become a better person which means i have to stop drinking beer, stop taking x, stop using curse words and do good deeds. Hope everyone notices a change in me soon. hope it works out for me.
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    i need some help with international texting please?

    OK, well... im in Canada and one of my friends is in Australia. we both have txting plans on our phones, but i was wondering if it'd cost extra or anything because were in different countries. my phones through Bell and hers is through Vodafone. if it does cost extra, for either of us, how...
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    Cactus Plants In Fish Bowl?

    hi, i have this old fish bowl (i will NEVER use it for fish again after what i found out about what it does to goldfish) its im guessing like 1 gal and shaped like this: round sides, flat front and back... anyways, i thought...
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    Wbhy do i feel so... GUILTY about this? (fish related)?

    OK, so i have a 5g tank with one male betta named Pinhead... he has a cave, lots of fake plants, a heater and a small filter.... i also have a 10g equipd with again, a cave, lots of fake plants, a heater and a filter... i apparantly cant keep tropical cmunities alive so i decided to get another...
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    What sized tank kit are at Wal*Mart stores?

    i mean the ones with tank, lighted hood and filter? i also would like the price please!! i live in Canada BTW... i know they have 10g for 40$ =]
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    OMG! i feel sooooo great right now! has anyone ese ever done this (rodent related)?

    OMG! today i was in the petstore and i noticed they hada hamster.... fast forward 5 m inutes of conversation.... i talked them out of buying cedar/pine chips!! i told them about the hazards and they should buy aspen ar a paper produc instead!! the bought CAREFRESH =] im soooo happy, this is like...
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    'Aquarium' VS. 'Conditioning' Salt.... What's The Difference?

    well, i was looking online at fish supplies asnd i found these 2 products: One is labeled 'Aquarium Salt' , the other labeled 'Conditioning Salt'. i was wondering what...
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    Tank Filtration??

    OK, so i am going to get a 4 gallon tank for a Betta. The only fish in it is going to be one male Betta. My question is if i can use a filter for tanks up to 3 gallon?? will it really make THAT big of a difference?? i mean, i wont over-feed it, itll have a seperate airstone and heater, so like...