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  1. C

    Willing To Pay $$$ For Good Idea

    Im trying to think of what would be a sweet website to make that doesn't really yet exist or only crappy versions of it do. Please try to be serious. If you can come up with a good idea that a can build off of i will be willing to pay you. I would prefer you pm me ideas for privacy issues. Thanks.
  2. C

    After converting DVDs to Video_ts folders, I burn to disc which makes the movie...

    ...skip constantly.? Hello, I download movies and use the free program 'avi2dvd' to convert the .avi movie into a Video_ts folder. I just started using DvD Flick as of a couple of hours ago and it is all the same. Free, no watermarks or trials so they're both good and easy to use. But now the...
  3. C

    Are there any dinosaurs in the LaBrea Tar Pits?

    If so, that means the tar was there before the dinosaurs. So how could oil be a product of fossilized vegetation?
  4. C

    In Saving Private Ryan, when the sniper in the bell tower got hit...?

    When the tank took out the sniper in the bell tower it had to raise it's cannon. If the sniper had enough time, do you think he could have blown up the tank by shooting into the barrow of the cannon and blown up the artillery shell that was inside?
  5. C

    Do you know that George W. Bush graduated from both Yale and Harvard?

    These are the two most highly regarded universities in the US. How can this be?!
  6. C

    Whats it mean if I laugh instead of cry?

    I was thinking of seeing a doctor or a shrink. I grew up watching comedy and love comedy. I preform stand-up two times a week at a local bar here where I live. I've noticed though, when I broke my arm from my quad tipping, and other times I've hurt myself. I laugh instead of cry. So instead...
  7. C

    Can you stream Divx with Linux?

    I have Mandriva and I was wondering if I could stream Divx videos from websites like you can with the Divx webplayer for Windows.
  8. C

    How do I install Windows 98 over XP?

    I want to get rid of XP and install windows 98. How would I do that? I do not have the windows 98 boot disk only the CD
  9. C

    Where can I download "Divx Web Player 1.3.0"?

    I am not able to find a site allowing the download of version 1.3.0. I made the mistake of upgrading to 1.4 and now i'm getting multiple errors when trying to watch a move. I know how to use google so please don't patronize me. Those downloads that say 1.3 end up being 1.4 after you download them.
  10. C

    Where can I download "Divx Web Player 1.3.0"?

    I am not able to find a site allowing the download of version 1.3.0. I made the mistake of upgrading to 1.4 and now i'm getting multiple errors when trying to watch a move. I know how to use google so please don't patronize me. Those downloads that say 1.3 end up being 1.4 after you download them.
  11. C

    Should the governments of the world put an age restriction on Internet access?

    Do you think there should be some sort of authorization to access the internet? Some kind of Access card you can apply for at the age of 18? I think this would cut down drastically on child abuse crimes and will stop a lot of online stress related issues. Of course Schools should still be...
  12. C

    Why do the libs sweat whenever they go on the O'Reilly Factor?

    They really sweat when they go on the O'Reilly factor. Are they afraid of getting owned and exposed as the filth of American society (marijuana use, free sex, etc.)?
  13. C

    Do you guys over at britian get this show?

    Yes we get The Soup although I always wonder how it could have much meaning for Brits because it refers to so many people and shows we don't see.