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    Christians: Do you believe you can walk in Christ 24/7/365 days a year?

    What I am saying is it possible to be in Jesus all day everyday?
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    Jesus Christ are Muhammad ibn Abdullah?

    Why would you chose Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam)? Why would you chose Jesus Christ?
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    Blackberry 9520 Storm 2 OR Blackberry 8520 Curve?

    please help me decide which one i should get for xmas?:)
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    Blackberry 9300 Curve 3G, Blackberry 9520 Storm II OR Blackberry 8520 Curve?

    Blackberry 9300 Curve 3G Blackberry 9520 Storm II Blackberry 8520 Curve Which one is better? What are there differences? Which one should I get? I'm 16
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    What is wrong with my DVD combo player!?

    I bought it from Walmart in later April or May so it isn't very old but just the other day, it began stopping play just like it was paused but then just sitting there like it is trying to figure out what to do next. Other times, it will start acting like it is a bad spot in the DVD and be...
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    Ubuntu users can you tell me where to download a youtube down loader, and a... like Ares? In the software menu offer by Ubunto I don't find anything like that. I download Aes and Youtube downloaded but is not compatible with Ubuntu. Thanks for your help. Thanks fajner1, but i've been using Ubunto only for 3 days, I wouldn't know how figure out, or what to do...
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    My father had a Red Chili Sauce Pulled Pork Platter in Albuquerque, NM &

    I'm looking for a Sauce Recipe? He couldn't tell me much, just that the large piece of pork was braised in a Red Chili Sauce. This isn't Carnitas because it was braised IN the red chili sauce, not boiled or braised in broth. Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? It was spicy but...
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    Which is Better he blackberry bold 9650, the tour 630, he storm 9550, or the curve...

    ...9330? tour 9630**
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    my subwoofer suspension?

    the suspension n my subwoofer can be pushed down with my hand about 2 inches but it can only only be pushed up about 0.5 inches (half inch). so excursion isn't good. why is this note my speaker is and 8 ohm is that why. is it just the resistance?.
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    Is this a sign that he is interested?

    I had an activity after school today and it was our first meeting ever for this. So I was in class getting ready to go to the library for the meeting. there's this guy who wasn't part of the group but he wanted to join. And the whole time he was looking at me. But only for a short time period...
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    Are you an eHarmony reject?

    I am, filled out the LONG questionnaire, and then told I could not be matched. WTF? In the entire world eHarmony can not match me up with a single person?!?!?! Be honest, rejected or matched?
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    I have an old Lincoln medal of coin, need info!!?

    it has the years 1861-1865 and says "the great emancipator" how much is it worth?
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    DISH network promotions?

    The awesome low prices never extend to someone who has been with them for years and that is not cool. So I am wondering if a current customer could call up and cancel their service and then call them back a couple three days later and ask to have this new promotional packaged installed? Someone...
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    Anyone know this song?

    It's either rock or metal. More likely rock. I can only remember the video clip to it. The video starts up with this guy and girl and they're a couple and through it one of them cheats on the other and then in the end the one that found out they were cheating went up to the hotel or house that...
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    question about colourcloud palace(The Story of Saiunkoku)?

    does Shurei Hong love Ryuki Shi ?
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    Is there a way to put a t-mobile sim card in a computer to add stuff to it?

    I want to add stuff on to my phone but i don't know how.
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    How to stay focused and determined when trying to lose weight?

    How do I stayed focused and strong in a pursue of weight loss. I have OCD so some days are harder than most but I really want to channel everything into exercise. I really want to but I am finding so hard, i work full time, have OCD and its hard and when things get hard I give up. So what can I...
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    Celebrities and Musicians Mail and or email addresses?

    I would really like to mail or email a letter to my favorite celebrities and musicians to see if they would send me an autograph. I was wondering is that possible, would All American Rejects send me an autograph or even a cast member of my favorite show, I know they are busy but hey. Has anyone...
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    Converting a bike to single speed cost?

    Does anyone happen to know how much a bike shop may charge if I ask them to convert my bike to a single speed? I realize it depends where you live/which shop/etc. but just a general figure will do or if you work at a bike shop or have had it done. Thanks!
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    i was wondering if i could get an internet browser on my xbox360 without...

    ...having windows media center on my PC? i dont have windows media center on my pc i was wondering if i could still get an internet browser on my xbox360 or if i had to have windows media center or can i use a generic media center