Recent content by Zaf

  1. Z

    gay or not?

    I have a white chocolate. Its fine. I dont necessarily like it, but it was that or a razr.
  2. Z

    Killing Dolphins

    1) I'm sure they don't only eat dolphins but not everyone in the world can afford to have a big varity in their diet. Not everyone has access to what you or I see at a super market. Japan has to import a lot of their food don't they? Thats not cheap. 2) You're lucky you have the option to...
  3. Z

    15-Year-Old Jailed for Skipping School

    a bit extreme, when a good old fashioned whipping would suffice. 15-Year-Old Jailed for Skipping School According...
  4. Z

    Secret section on the nation

    Watashi wa nihon-jin desu Yamete, oshiri itai
  5. Z

    Karate Black Belt...

    I'm sure many of you have seen this before, but I thought i'd share it for those who haven't. The Street Fighting v. Full Contact Sparring thread reminded me of it. Pimp v. Karate Guy. (You may have to click "Skip this Ad" and watch a brief commercial before the video).
  6. Z

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I went to a college advice day recently to find they don't do GCSEs anymore except English maths and IT. I was planning to do sociology again like last year (where I had to drop out) but they don't do it anymore. Lately I haven't been visiting the local book shop/net cafe. Popped in today to...
  7. Z

    I hate pennies.

    bahaha, on the shelf above it I have all season of Atlantis sofar.
  8. Z

    American medicine system

    That's the part I find frustrating about Obamacare. The US had the perfect opportunity to look at the sucesses and failings of universal healthcare systems across the world and come up with the best ideas from each to build the best system in the world. Instead, they just turned over the keys...
  9. Z

    Men, women, and sex

    Especially so if the person attached to it enjoys some good potty humor!
  10. Z


    Fuck yeah.
  11. Z


    in the corner of my best friend's mom's room.- while like 3-4 people watched me do it.
  12. Z


    who is rza, is that some new fangled rappy name? what are kids talking about these days.
  13. Z

    The bomb (Split from "Fighting Ethically")

    The bomb (Split from "Fighting Ethically") War is a terrible thing, horrific things happen, people get injured and have done for millenia, rape, murder, unfair battles, trick wooden horse gifts, divine winds, bombing of civilians, napalming of towns even planes crashing into buildings are all...
  14. Z

    Nail Biting

    I once did it when I was Gandalf The Grey, but the times have changed and I am now Gandalf the White.
  15. Z

    Mah phone

    Some chick asked me wtf was on my phone today at school, I didn't know what she was talking about then I looked at the back and then I had a good lul and walked away. Back of my phone: Does ST approve? EDIT: Yes I know that's a huge picture