Recent content by xxFR3SHxM0B

  1. X

    Starting a new line tomorrow, which Smartphone should I get?

    Its going to be either sprint's 69.99 Plan with the Evo. 59.99 Plan for T-Mobile with the G2 or Samsung Vibrant or HTC HD2. Which phone would be best for me. Im a frequent facebook and email checker, like to keep up on my sports and texting is a everyday, all day thing.
  2. X

    Starting a new line tomorrow, which Smartphone should I get?

    Its going to be either sprint's 69.99 Plan with the Evo. 59.99 Plan for T-Mobile with the G2 or Samsung Vibrant or HTC HD2. Which phone would be best for me. Im a frequent facebook and email checker, like to keep up on my sports and texting is a everyday, all day thing.
  3. X

    Motorola RAZR2 V8 wont power on?

    the battery icon is green and flashing, but when i try to power it on the screen will not power up or the phone.
  4. X

    How can i connect a ps3 to the internet?

    ... just plug your ethernet cord from your router into your ps3...
  5. X

    xbox live internet question!?

    can you plug the wireless internet you have from your laptop to your xbox 360 with a ethernet cord???