Recent content by witnessofJesus

  1. W

    Google Chrome

    Only thing is when I go to MAP front page I do not get the forums link. I have to go through user CP then click onto the forums. OR maybe I am just missing something.
  2. W

    Does religion divide people?

    divide, conquer, murder, this is always the divisions of devils and devil worshippers. i can give you many quotations from scriptures. its always good to apostate from a false religion. it is not good to cause the contention of men because the spirit of contention is of the devil. however to...
  3. W

    Is there a name for people against religion?

    im thinking "radical hate mongers and bigotry"
  4. W

    Was disfellowshipping practiced in the first century Christian congregation?

    excommunication and shunning has been practiced at least sin Moses. and yes people that will not repent of their sins were asked to leave. at least two people were killed for lying to the holy Ghost. of course, from the days of moses till the days of jesus, Stoning to death was often the way...
  5. W

    Christians: Was Jesus real?

    there is no doubt that Jesus actually lived. consider this : why did Nero blame the christians for the fire that burned rome? why did so many people die because of their faith in a saviour that did not live. ? p.s. i know there is a God, though most things are debatable, i have no doubt...
  6. W

    Why does every good circumstance come friom God but every bad thing is our own fault?

    God is Good. He knows how to give good gifts, and he knows how to turn a curse into a blessing. and not everything bad is our own fault. because bad things happen to good people all the time and it is usually a conspiracy of a third party that does bad things intentionally.
  7. W

    Christians: Do insects, birds, animals, fishes go to Heaven or Hell?

    my opinion on this matter is, several things. there are spirits in animals and everything that breathes is the same definition as having a soul, however, whether the Lord will reincarnate a human soul into an animals body is debateable. and whether every world has at least some immortal animals...
  8. W

    Why can't all christians be like Mr. Rogers?

    lol, now adays if a christian or a priest is kind to strangers' children they would be immediately accused of child molestation or another agenda in pedaphilia. a grown man cannot even smile at a child without thoughts of perversion among others. and yes there are christians who are kind and...
  9. W

    I think I am an Atheist, but I am started to become interested in Buddhism, anyone

    well, truly being an atheist is the first wrong decision. there is a God, no doubt. the second wrong decision is believing a religion that has no God. it may fit your life style, but its a heretical religion to begin with. even if there are some good moral teachings which is agreed upon in...
  10. W

    Is there like a Bat Conclave where the Pope hides all his Pope gadgets?

    there are many modern things in the vatican, including old and ancient things. the security force is top notch all by itself, and ive heard rumors about the library
  11. W

    Is there anything you can pray to to kill you?

    its possible. yes. but remember wisdom ! if you beleive in doing good why would anyone choose to become a murder, its pure hypocricy
  12. W

    Why the right wing hindu parties in india have a problem with gays and lesbians

    if hindus have a problem with homosexuality, doesnt that prove there is something fundamentally wrong with it? being homophobic is righteousness, as defined in the christian jewish bible. hurting people and murdering people is wrong no matter what religion a person beleives.
  13. W

    Do you think Judaism, Christianity and Islam all belong to the same religion?

    well? if that religious denomination is Idolatry, YES. but no, judaism and islam are not co-equal... i think it was Abraham that said Ishmael shall not have the same inheritance as jacob and Isaac. in LDS theology, Only Abraham Isaac and Jacob enter in glory. Ishmael is separated from...
  14. W

    Can you provide a succinct summary of the powers that Christ allegedly offers?

    first of all Jesus said he had no power of himself. but he did say that a certain kind of healing only came through much fasting and prayer. the powers of healing and miracles, happened by the knowledge of God and the unseen Presence of his being.
  15. W

    Mei Hua

    I want to hear one for real to see if it as loud as a a wombat or a boyes rifle.