Recent content by Whateveryousay

  1. W

    Who else feels happy the section for homos changed places?

    It was the cancer of the Family & Relationships section. Who else agrees? Thanks yahoo!
  2. W

    Are you ready for our new 50 per-cent gas tax hike?

    I like how they say theyd rather call it a carbon tax..Hmmmm. Didn't know we had one. Oh wait, we didn't.. Gotta love The Dem's and good ole Al gore... Yep..Change for sure ! Well Bub...Three monthe ago 95 per-cent of us were getting tax...
  3. W

    Do you have any political predictions for 2009 and beyond.?

    Ill save this, give it a shot. Wars, laws corruption etc.
  4. W

    Do you believe Madoff committed suicide, or was he killed?

    Oh, thank you..I stand corrected... I must get mt hearing checked...
  5. W

    Is Obama going to be the Bernard Madoff of US politics since Obama's rhetoric is all

    As far as not getting what was promised to you, Yes. But i think Democrats will support him if he sticks hot pins in kittens eyes.