Recent content by wD

  1. W

    Tired of politics

    If we are really a democracy, why not have an APP and load all proposals onto it for people to vote on, majority votes gets proposal passed. easy solution and get rid of all politicians and parties.
  2. W

    Can I ask a girl to be in a relationship via video chat if Im very far away (GIRLS...

    go for it man, if you dont try you dont succeed
  3. W

    Do you know any websites where you can just chat to people?

    there is also
  4. W

    Do you know any websites where you can just chat to people?

    I mean just have a conversation about anything. Apart from Facebook or twitter.
  5. W

    how much do women gossip?

    Do women gossip to more to people they dont know or just face book friends
  6. W

    what is needed in a good mma strength and conditioning routine?

    i am wondering what needed to get in shape to fight in mma what are good strength exercises what are good cardio exercises flexibility exercises body weight exercises unconventional exercises, combat specific exercises, strongman training ... p.s i can t figure out a good training regime to...