Recent content by walterc

  1. W

    if you were to commit suicide

    If there is a god, why do we have people like that?
  2. W

    Political predictions? Obama or Romney?

    Will Obama win or Romney win? Obama will win only if enough morons vote; If the sane people vote Romney will win Will Scott Walker be recalled? For the sake and future of Wisconsin, they need to let him stay in office How will the Supreme Court rule on Obamacare? Most likely some parts will...
  3. W

    what part of st actually plays paintball

    your life= fail
  4. W

    Good ST Threads

  5. W

    Who would win in a fight?

    no way the hulk would win........ supes would just drag him in to space and eh voila dead green giant.....not so jolly now is he....BWAH HA BWAH HA HA BWAH HA HA HA.. And nevermnding the fact its two different comic universes...but freeform knew that.
  6. W

    English or American breakfast

    Here's the making of an English Breakfast in action
  7. W

    Dare or Dare?

    never heard of this urin stuff, is it potent?
  8. W

    baseball The batter knocks the cover off a baseball but the core of the...

    ...ball flies over the fence for a home r? The batter knocks the cover off a baseball but the core of the ball flies over the fence for a home run. Meanwhile, the catcher caught the leather cover in his mitt for an out. Is it a home run or has the batter fouled out? No discussions about...
  9. W

    has st ever

    i almost fell down a 80 degree hill basically a mountain with lots of rocks and trees for me to hit on the way down thankfully i grabbed a rock before i fell too far and saved myself from potentially having a better story
  10. W

    The Member Depreciation Thread

    Oh. Well....we can probably rustle up some crumpets?
  11. W

    Where are you from, and what race are you?

    I'm from the States, 'burbs of Chicago (Illinois) to be exact. I'm half Irish, quarter German, and some English and Scottish thrown in for good measure. Drat, if only I was a bit Welsh too I could have the whole British isle(s) in my blood
  12. W

    So I just found out what me and Brian Peppers have in common

    ashton kutcher..he is so gay sometimes feb 7th
  13. W

    Should I tip when picking up food?

    This is one of those etiquette questions that I never am quite sure of. Obviously, you should tip when you're at a restaurant and being served. Your tip is payment for the service. And obviously you should tip when you have food delivered. Your tip is paying for the delivery. But when you call...
  14. W

    What are the Funniest Videos You Have seen on the internet?

    tell me about the funneist things u have seen on the internet provide LINKS please no porn please
  15. W

    internet/router lags/drops after 10-20 minutes connected.?

    Well, here is the problem. i have this zhone router from about 5 months ago, and it has been working fine since then, but since a week ago, it suddenly makes me lag every 10-20 minutes, and i have to disconnect it and wait about 5 minutes, then connect it again for it to work fine. This problem...