Recent content by VeryFanny

  1. V

    The Confession Thread

    They lied...Pac borrowed my camera...took the photos on timer mode... You saw the photos....of Pac and H nekid...strewth...I will have nightmares now!!!
  2. V

    another day another stabbing

    Not everyone in UK can have guns law already darkjester, is this in UK? Do not know where that is at. If i understand they only allow farmer an hunters. Something along those lines. Am i wrong? In the past there was a law against certain ppl in England owning swords before. I dont know...
  3. V

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    This certainly proves GWB is a simpleton and an utter moron. Still, it's certainly American friendly rhetoric, reminds me of most of the ZioNazi rants on this thread
  4. V

    The FBI is watching YOU!

  5. V

    Psyche-Ward Qu1z

    Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis: BiPolar Disorder Sometimes severe mental disorder involving manic episodes that are usually accompanied by episodes of depression. The manic phase of the disorder is characterized by an abnormally elevated or irritable mood, grandiosity, sleeplessness, extravagance...
  6. V


    You ever see Shrek 2? Thats what happens when cats get too big for their boots........ you get it? You see what I did there?
  7. V

    Does the NFL accept walk on kickers / punters?

    It would be fun to just try out. I have a huge leg and boot a college sized ball (not sure if NFL is the same size) huge distances. I can kick a 50 yard goal kick right down the middle too. In case I can never fight again (due to my recent skull /jaw injuries) it would be cool to use my legs...
  8. V

    Free iPOD mini for UK residents only

    Just click on my profile, then get 17 of your mates to click on my profile, stand on one leg, hop in a circle three times, and send me a cheque for £300, and I'll send you a "free" iPod
  9. V

    Abortion is Wrong

    Getting back on topic, what do you guys think of what these pro lifers in Ohio are trying to do? I think it is deeply dehumanizing, and very invasive.
  10. V

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays do you know where the X comes from? Greek from Καλά Χριστούγεννα (Kala Christouyenna)
  11. V

    Most offended you have ever been (V.1337)

    She A Very Freaky Girl Dont Bring Her To Mamma First You Get Her Name Then You Get Her Number Then You Get Some Brain In The Front Seat Of The Hummer Then You Get Some Brain In The Front Seat Of The Hummer Let Me Set The Record Straight Hater You Participate Three Girls Wit Me Like Im Goin On...
  12. V

    Why do men die first?

    The reason is fairly obvious. I mean, when was the last time you saw a woman eat until she was physically incapable of eating any more? Or drink until she was sick? It pains me greatly to say this, but women are by and large more sensible people.
  13. V

    The Randomness Thread
  14. V

    Supersonic Freefall

    other than having my mum constantly saying "he's not moving I hope he's alright" that was really cool. Anybody know what the tumble was about? I couldn't get sound. I thought he might have been redirecting (don't know anything about jumping out of high things) or having a giggle or if he was...
  15. V

    i failed my mcdonalds interiew :nododgy:

    how am i, a 17 year old high school student, supposed to compete against 30 year old illegal immigrants when the interviewer is mexican? h@x0rz