Recent content by Unldiscovered

  1. U

    Where is a good place to get sales experience for a student (17 years)?

    So many of the places i want to work at require sales experiences... but where in the hec do you get the sales experience... how would i start off? Suggestions please.
  2. U

    is it normal to have swollen glands when you have yeast infection?

    It is normal and what you read is true. Our glands are one of the main fighters to infections.
  3. U

    Unlock code for nokia 5310 express music?

    I live in Canada & use rogers if that helps.
  4. U

    When you download something on a cell phones mobile internet & you have unlim....

    ...Browsing.. do you get charged? Well i recently signed up with rogers (cell phone provider) & I've downloaded 2-4 ring tones from a free ringtone site of my mobile browser. I have an unlimited mobile browser plan so I'm wondering would i get charged for the downloads?
  5. U

    What is the number i can dial on my cellphone (Bell) to get my minutes info.?

    My service provider for my cell is Bell mobility. I heard about a number you can call to get an update about your minutes (like how many you have in that month)