Recent content by Union_Dooz

  1. U

    Hitler wrote the specs for the peoples car (Volkswagen), Will 0bama give specs to GM?

    You do not know what you are talking about clueless. You have bottomed out
  2. U

    What dirty tricks did Barack Obama administration use to convince the...

    There you go again spewing sh!t all over the place that you know absolutely nothing about there boy.
  3. U

    What dirty tricks did Barack Obama administration use to convince the...

    There you go again spewing sh!t all over the place that you know absolutely nothing about there boy.
  4. U

    When does Congress go on summer vacation?

    Because they can and get lifetime medical as well
  5. U

    Do you think the Democrats are using Sarah Palin to tar the Republicans?

    No dear Gideot did it all on her own even the campaign manager called her a wacko job because she did it her way that even made the geezer pissed.
  6. U

    Do you trust your children's future to Barack Hussein Obama?

    Yes and you too, This is NOT a laughing matter. This is real live for real peoples futures not a key board game.
  7. U

    Obama going on Leno = outrage, Where was this outrage during Bush's month...

    Maybe outrage for the small minded few in this country because thats all they have left to do just like the club here inyahoo.
  8. U

    Why is my Federal Govt employer restricting my use of the internet while I am...

    Because you are being paid to do a function that is assigned to you. They did not hire you so that you could do as you please. Now what if you was paying me to do repairs to your home, And I was watching television and eating food out of your refrigerator? Would you still want to pay me. What...
  9. U

    Is entrenched political and social division going to be a fact of life for

    I believe people are more tolerant than ever before, But there are many die hards could not soften even from a blasting cap.
  10. U

    US Politics: Does the composition of the NSC have to reflect the ideology of the...

    If I appointed a executive to any position it would be that I wanted his idolizes to be the format. Maybe you should fill that slot if you think the standard should be all over the map.
  11. U

    Will the current offensive make Israel more/less likely to be attacked in the future?

    It doesn't matter what Israel does them Arabs can not be trusted under any circumstances, I hope it stops the terror attacks and the missile attacks.