Recent content by u14_sharks_united

  1. U

    Verizon iphone 100% for sure?

    i heard that the iphone will be coming out on verizon next that true?
  2. U

    Unlocking the iPhone for Verizon?

    i want to buy the iphone, but i am going to europe for the whole next year, and i have verizon. i know you can unlock the iphone to work with other networks, but will it work with verizon, and if so, will it work in italy?
  3. U

    Whats up with the iphone 3g price!!!?

    i want to buy the iphone 3g, but i want to put it on verizon by unlocking it, the unlocked iphones on ebay are close to $900! the retail is only 199.99???!!!! is there somewhere i can but the iphone, either locked or unlocked, but without a contract?
  4. U

    is there such thing as a wireless internet re-router?

    Like a wireless router that picks up another wireless router's signal and boosts the wireless internet signal further? a wifi booster! that is what i was trying to think of!!! is there such thing as a wifi booster?
  5. U

    changing the iphone carrier

    when you jailbreak an iphone, you can use it with any network. I have heard that if at&t or apple finds out that that is what you did, they can sue you. is that true? if not, what can they do? so if i unlock it, what can they do?