Recent content by tJOMAMOt

  1. T

    Is Current Events the most appropriate section to post questions about Celebrity

    Current Events is the most appropriate place to post all questions due to the calibre of the regulars. Getting appropriate answers is another matter.
  2. T

    Celebrity Big Brother: Ulrika Jonsson?

    Yeah. She gets a bad press she doesn´t deserve.
  3. T

    Celebrity Big Brother: Is anyone...?

    I might do Coolio a favour if he asked nicely.
  4. T

    will well armed professional soldiers enjoy fighting well intentioned amateurs?

    You have a very good point. If everyone on the planet was "educated" in the real sense of the word these senseless situations would be far and few between.
  5. T

    Should parents who hit their children be condemned to jail,or be denied... (see case)? She was also sentenced to 45 days in jail which she will not serve as she has no previous convictions. Her son was known as a problematic child at school. The mother is deaf and dumb. He threw a...
  6. T

    How long before we get rid of Gordon Mugabi.?

    I don´t see anybody arresting you for voicing opposition to the government nor will you be threatened or attacked for placing your vote on election day.End of all similarities with Zimbabwe. But you WILL have to live with the consequences if you vote Tory.
  7. T

    In your opinion, which current celebrity doesn't deserve the title 'celebrity'?

    I´d like to know when and how that policeman on IACGMOOH became a sleb?
  8. T

    Have you ever been tempted to kill someone else´s dog?

    I have. A very selfish man left his three hunting dogs on an allotment in front of my house howling and barking 24/7. When the police went to talk to him he claimed it wasn´t his dogs making the noise There were no other dogs there!.He lived in another town, just showed up to feed them every...
  9. T

    what do you think of this prediction ,,X Factor?

    Nope. JLS to win. Dianna and Eoghan in sing off. Judges realize they are both twee and annoying and send them both home.
  10. T

    Do you think the black girl has played her last Get-Out-Of-Jail free card on the...

    You really do have a swinging brick for a heart. I don´t like her, think she´s got a voice like a foghorn, but teenage drug addiction is no joke.
  11. T

    Genuine question X Factor - Diana?

    I do believe that type of noise is called yodelling and that Switzerland is full of them. :)
  12. T

    I´m having an "old lady" moment and I´m not enjoying it. What should I do?

    This 1983 music special programme on ITV is upsetting me. I do not want to see my childhood idols all wrinkly and fat croaking out their old songs. I do not want to be reminded that it was a "quarter of a century ago" Should I just turn over and watch Family Guy or continue torturing myself...
  13. T

    A boy commits suicide live would you have reacted? ? I include two links as the slant...
  14. T

    Rhys Jones trial:Sean Mercer will not be taking the stand?

    He won´t be giving "evidence" in his own defence. Has the little scumbag finally realised that his lies just don´t convince anyone?
  15. T

    Do you think the release of information?

    I will be giving Children in Need a wide berth. I cannot stand seeing "celebrities" inflate their egos whilst doing their bit for charity. My conscience is clear. I don´t need girlbands or newsreaders in fancy dress to make me donate.