Recent content by TimeLady

  1. T

    Why do you like your phone that is ATT and NOT a smartphone?

    I have two phones that both disappoint me. A pantech persuit that is great to text and sucks for internet and a samsung impression that is great for internet but sucks for pretty much everything else. Tell me about your phone. Please no iphones or smartphones. i know they are nice, don't...
  2. T

    Somehow, Judaism never dies. Could it be because G-d wills it into existence?

    Lots of religions have not died out. What's your point?
  3. T

    do you think Jesus Christ is coming back soon?

    If the bible says we're living the last days, I'd like to know how much of a range of error it gives itself.
  4. T

    Dear Anti-Gay Christians?

    You know you're preaching to the choir, right? This will not happen in this decade. Hopefully in the next, when laws are changed and schools get the message through to children that being a bigot is wrong, despite what their parents tell them.
  5. T

    Help me about the site plzzzzz....?

    That's how much time it has left on the auction. A word of advise. Check your feedback extra carefully when buying electronics on ebay. look at the rating and absolutely do not buy an ipod from anybody under 99.7 feedback. In fact, if you go to and put in the sellers name...
  6. T

    Is it fungus and are my other fish in danger?

    My black skirted tetra has what looks like a whitish bubble growing from his mouth. When I chased him around with the net to isolate him, he spewed out some whitish material. He is in his own tank now. What do I treat him with and do I treat my healthy fish that were in the same water...
  7. T

    What is wrong with my Samsung phone?

    I assume you already tried taking the battery out and restarting it?
  8. T

    What is wrong with my Samsung phone?

    I assume you already tried taking the battery out and restarting it?
  9. T

    What is wrong with my Samsung phone?

    I assume you already tried taking the battery out and restarting it?
  10. T

    how many type of viruses that attacks nokia phones?

    So far viruses on cell phones have been few and far between and don't pose a huge threat.
  11. T

    Does the magnet on your cell phone case affect your cell phone?

    I know magnets are a no-no for a computer. Does the little magnet on a cell phone case do the same for a cell phone?
  12. T

    How do I delete apps AT&T shoved on my moto z9?

    I want to get rid of all the crappy game demos and other apps At&T likes to cram on my phone but there is no option to delete them. Is there a way?
  13. T

    My Sidekick Lx Micro Sd 1gb Memory Card Wont Work?

    Maybe you don't have it in right or have a bad card. Did you try it in another phone?