Recent content by tigris

  1. T

    Wind up/eco charger for laptop and mobiles?

    I am just thinking the same and I have been trying to find out if the solio solar chargers are any good (see link at bottom). I read a couple of consumer feedbacks and am now confused, some people say they are great, others say they it doesn't work well. They are expensive enough that while I...
  2. T

    Wind up/eco charger for laptop and mobiles?

    I am just thinking the same and I have been trying to find out if the solio solar chargers are any good (see link at bottom). I read a couple of consumer feedbacks and am now confused, some people say they are great, others say they it doesn't work well. They are expensive enough that while I...
  3. T

    Yahoo Answers: Can it REALLY change peoples opinions on Religion and help

    I think you have the right idea. The only way to convince somebody that you mean what you say about your religion is by acting it. A lot of people talk about following Jesus, but like the young man in the bible story, when it comes to act on it and literally give everything they own away, they...
  4. T

    Instead of testing IQ, should people just have their levels of religion...

    Not true. People can be religious and intelligent. There are examples. Also despite it's not supposed to, a lot of intelligence tests also test factual knowledge, literacy in a certain language which are unrelated to intelligence (try scoring high in a chinese intelligence test without speaking...
  5. T

    How come Bible prophecy is coming true?

    you mean there is a specific prophecy in the bible about America which was neither discovered nor named to the western world when the bible was written down? Wow, you will have to tell me that bible verse which says specifically "united states of America" I want to see that. Please post ASAP!
  6. T

    All religions, atheists and agnostics: What makes you think that your

    The basis of being an agnostic is that you know that your belief system may not be the correct one and that there is no real way of knowing if it is.
  7. T

    why can't we appreciate different religions like we can appreciate different music?

    While I might not care for a particular type of music I realize that the more different styles of music are around, the richer the musical experienence as a whole. I think I even would get quite a number of people to agree. But if I would propose the same for religon, I don't think I get many...
  8. T

    If Obama is really a Christian then why does he believe in Gay marriage and Abortion?

    because Jesus said: if you are without sin, throw the first stone. He also said, judge not lest you will be judged. Maybe you should change your god (assuming you are christian), as you don't seem to like following his advice?
  9. T

    An argument for religion?

    I don't think it's problematic to explain why we find things agreeable, disagreeable, have hobbies, find satisfaction in solving problems. E.g games in children train motor skills, social skills and knowledge. It's all skills which help us to survive and/or provide motivation to survive. It...
  10. T

    If Obama is elected, how long will it take for him to force Americans to by fuel

    I recommend a visit to Europe. They have much more fuel efficent cars (partically also because the cars tend to be smaller). Nobody forced any European to buy more fuel efficent cars except the prices at the gas pump. If you think you pay a lot, move there and compare.
  11. T

    how to figure out tire size from rim?

    I have a rim of 600 mm diameter (23.6 inches). What tire size fits it? I guess a 26", but am not sure. Is there some place I can look it up?