Recent content by tiffani

  1. T

    can you give me ideas for volunteering in my community?

    I have a full time job, working usually over 40 hours per week. I would like to find some way that I can serve my community, in my spare time. which, I don't have a lot of, can you give me a list of ways that I can volunteer possibly a few hours each Saturday?? I don't have a lot of money but...
  2. T

    Does Anyone know of a good safe DVD Burning software download?

    I am looking for site that offers a safe, absolutely free dvd burning software download for my Windows 8 computer :)
  3. T

    Which Android smartphone would you suggest?

    I am a Verizon customer about to renew my two year contract and with that comes as you know an upgrade. I am looking into having a Android because i do not like Blackberry's. Their configuration seems a bit outdated. I currently have a Palm Pre Plus which is a great phone but the keyboard is...
  4. T

    what stickers fit on a 97 suzuki rm 125?

    what other year stickers can fit on a 1997 suzuki rm 125
  5. T

    My CIT310 phone will not power on?

    I bought the CIT310 phone and fresh out the box I plugged it in to charge. The yahoo screen appeared on the phone and I put it back on the base to charge, but as I was going through the installation process, I noticed that the phone was blank again and wouldn't let me get through the audio...
  6. T

    She wont talk to me..its a joke?

    The key to the silent treatment ...... give her lots and lots and lots of attention!! She will like it cuz it makes it look like u like her and u miss her talking to you take my advice it will work!! I swear!!
  7. T

    Do you think dreams can contain premonitions?

    they sometimes can. usually if they do they occur within hours or a month of dreaming it , from what i've heard
  8. T

    current popular hair style(s)?

    If it's summer time where you are (I would say "most popular hairstyle" is pretty general) I would think that beachy waves are the way to go. All hair colours are pretty much in right now. If its winter I would say straight to pin-straight hair is pretty popular . But hey, standing out in the...
  9. T

    Why is IE8 not available for Microsoft Vista 64-bit?

    The Yahoo! toolbar has added a button "Get IE8 now!", but when I tried, it said that it was not compatible with my yahoo system or some garbage like that. I'm running Vista 64-bit.
  10. T

    preloaded color folders? blackberry pearl 8100?

    i have a blackberry pearl 8100 and i am stumped... okay so i go into media then pictures, then i click on the preloaded pictures folder and there s a folder named folder icons. in it there are pics of blue,cyan,default,,pink,purple,red and there is one with a blue box on it, one with...
  11. T

    how are land subsidence, extensive farming in dry areas and water...

    ...conservation are connected? points to best answer!